If the states (as in US states, not overall US state.... goddamnit) are unwilling to stop the gooner squads (apparently a bunch of Fuentes style incels and Elon) with no legitimacy from physically entering locations... then it seems like that whole "doesn't have authority to do X" thing was theoretical. Or theatrical.
If Trump via proxy is allowed to do it (meaning no one stops him. And they clearly aren't because they haven't) it just means "that's the way it is now."
Why do people think that Trump gives a shit if the courts say anything? If he cared about any of that
Elon would be in prison. Or at the very lib-ass least far from any power. Not elected and not even appointed.
Trump would sign an EO, and then as soon as any opposition happened he'd pause and wait until courts decided. No he's just doing it and he knows they'll side with him... but it doesn't matter anyway because if he gets months or years to gut departments, that's just GG.
Basically everything being destroyed is stuff created many years ago. The US doesn't create departments capable of any good anymore and hasn't since, fuck... the 1930s? I guess the EPA is decent (Nixon, btw. Also Trump wants them gone too).
They aren't going to recreate these departments and agencies in 4 years. They (democrats) aren't even trying literally at all to stop the destruction now. Why the fuck would they do a positive action like refounding the DoEd? Nah, this shit is gone and people aren't gonna do anything because it all feels innocuous or distant enough.
The only reason some funding EO stuff got reversed was because, among many other things, libraries and shit (my local one did this) were sending mass emails saying "Hey, we gotta shut down because Trump is a dumbass." Basically.
As long as the truth is obfuscated enough, like direct checks to YOU aren't harmed, no one ever cares.
Imagine being Xi right now though. Holy shit. Definition of "Do nothing. Win." He's probably laughing his ass off like "No, no, no... tell me that again. He's abolishing their what now?"