"Woops i accidentally over drafted the account by 20 million dollars"
biden could have him killed and face no consequences because he's not even there anymore
Can't even fucking use it when I have one account temp banned for some actual, straight up bullshit, which triggers a perma ban on my other account, FOR SOME REASON. It is literally impossible to just speak to a fucking admin to get help
Had a third account. It got summarily banned for "hate" for telling the /r/judaism, or Jewish, I don't remember, to "cry more and support more genocide" when they banned me for calling someone a racist jackass (it was a thread linked here about some nurse crybaby sobbing wailfully over- GASP- A PALESTINIAN WEARING A KAFFIYEH) after they equated said kaffiyeh wearing with "wearing a hat that says FUCK JEWS"
There's like 27 different layers of automated moderation automatic banning bullshit ostensibly to stop bots AND YET IT'S STILL FULL OF BOTS
no fucking reason.
you say while giving plenty of reason
The management and owners need to be evacuated from their mortal coils
The whole region used to be Mandatory Palestine and im saying we make Palestine mandatory again
woah just 40 minutes ago I posted about my stupid nose hairs. I agree, what the fuck is this?
I think I have some fucked up deviated septum shit or something because most of the time I only really get good air flow from one nostril
now I'm having like huge ass nose hairs just shooting everywhere (because the curse of being male is your nose hairs, nose cartilage, ear hairs and cartilage never stop growing, apparently, what is that)
Oh piss off, people like you need to be thrown into a fucking pit