You can tell it's not Welsh because the names are way too short and pronounceable.
See this is what happens when foreigners comment if American politics - they should have had it the other way around. President Musk should be rawdoging Bitch Boy Donny.
Plenty of time to build catapults.
His face when they just make incomprehensible grunts and poop on the rug.
Pro tip: if this is your date's reaction to your honest self then it was never gonna work out. You're better off ditching their dead weight and moving on.
See that's how you get people to like you more. Not whatever the hell social media CEOs keep doing.
When you cast Chain Lightning at nothing.
Well then you're an idiot and deserve whatever MAGA does to you. You literally asked them to do it.
You fucking move out. That's not just abusive - it's sociopathic.
Just remember to jerk off on her pillow first.
To be fair, electronics break all the time, and living pets die eventually - both things everyone needs to learn how to cope with, including children. This is just the Venn Diagram of those two pieces of reality.
Well it's a good thing there's no shortage of free replacements.