Bin laden bean laden was suffocated by satan.
Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, you can't just say those things out loud! Next we'll be talking about heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
Shut it down!
I can't quite make out, but are those the fancy ones with the filters? Maaaan do the penny pushers get upset if they see you using those for anything, even their purpose.
You're missing an O somewhere.
Hanks would probably try to pee on your feet if you got him that high.
I remember when Amazon first started there were good deals on good quality items
I remember when the primary use of amazon was buying secondhand items. The deals on used discs for PS2 or gamecube were amazing. It was ebay without bidding.
I was hoping it would say someone finally told Trump, "Bitch, get back in your place because no one is putting up with your shit." Imagine my disappointment at the reasonable attempt to lower tensions and appease.
Interesting. In my territory's laws, you have to stop unless there is a dividing median. There's a road that has three lanes on each side plus a center turn lane, and all lanes therefore must stop.
I always thought they were chopped oak trees, because of the professor's name and all. It's funny how kid logic just connects things and you never even think about the conclusions until asked about them.
It's not about fungi making cheese. We know that bacteria are the largest component of the microbial community making cheese. The point is that aliens traveling through the enormous, barren-of-everything wastes would likely know how to use biotechnology, such as fungi and bacteria, to replicate the life cycles found on their homeworld. In ours, it's fungi breaking down organic matter, bacteria turning nitrogen into nitrates/nitrites, cyanobacteria turning carbon dioxide into reduced organic (carbon) compounds, etc., etc. In theirs, it could be strange silicon/phosporus/sulfur forms (unlikely, due to a bunch of esoteric but important rules about the chemistry of those elements) being processed by microbial life. After all, do you think a single celled microbe, or a relatively giant multi-cellular organism will arise first? If life there is anything like here, the single-celled organisms will be the foundation of any multi-cellular organism's environment, each contribution of the microbes shaping the biochemical pathways that the larger organisms will use merely by providing building blocks and affecting the environment, ala the sudden explosion of atmospheric, gaseous oxygen when microbes began to explore the pathways of photosynthesis.
That's the one! Was it antifreeze? I always thought it was water based to take advantage of the phase-change temperature difference.
No computer 'sees' any of the logic behind the language. It's all fancy tables and probabilities from beforehand. That's why there was the famous example of the LLM telling that girl to off herself when she was doing her homework. If the learning datasets include anything like reddit, some LLM may answer or respond (in)appropriately to those ideas.