Bad shit happened. When I asked why, the answers were lame. When I accused god of being an asshole, the defenses were the very definition of not even being wrong.
I trimmed the bushes around it so it looks bigger.
Nothing a good bean-laden poop hold-in won't cure!
Post passive aggressive notes as often as you can, make big honking stinkin posts screaming about the injustice, and eventually make a new community on a different instance, I guess. Just from observational experience.
Average healthy adult breathes 12-20 times a minute (those are the numbers we carry around with us in healthcare). So at the upper end, 20b/minx60min/hrx24hr/day gives you $1,440.00 a day. If we count even the impact of your foot while running as steps (does a specific word for that exist? I don't know. In my head a step comes from walking...), a good pace is 3 steps / second. Go for a good 30 minute run, and you get 3st/sec * 60sec/min * 30min for a whopping total of 5400 steps, or $1,350.00. Move around your house while cooking, cleaning, getting the kids/pets/lover where they need to be, and you might end up a bit better off than the breathing. My average steps just around the house add up to 5k-6k, I believe.
The IRS can lick my balls if I'm being paid in cash under the table though.
That looks like a delicious chocolate pudding.
Nice. I just started replaying after I got mods working in linux (side note, why the fuck are there now three or four editions, and each one has its own finickiness on linux?!?! Gorrammit), and I do wonder what the vampires are thinking as I chomp through 40 different ingredients to see if any of the side effects helps me out.
I'll do you ~one~two better: my computer's from 2012. I can play even modern games on high settings sometimes. It wasn't even a high specced one at the time. I think I put about $1200 into the actual components AND monitor/keyboard.
I'm just thinking about how warm it would be. That much air space from the pockets would create a great resistance in conditions without strong winds.
DID scam patients, but there's no justice if you aren't 'worth' the police's effort.
That's a pretty shapely bag.
But it took a few years to take effect. It was the whole, 'the new tax breaks go away, but not for the corporations.'