westerners simply want to have a reason to feel like theyre superior to china. as this century progresses and chinas absolute superiorty comes into view the west will continue making more and more brazen lies to soothe their hearts
Holy fucking based i thought it was just the head mod ahahaha
americans are racist towards almost every country so its ok to bomb them i guess
id need a 3d model of it (it was hard enough finding any 3d model of him at all)
i imagine youd get banned for griefing
i dont know if youve ever seen competitive 6v6 played at the highest level, but as a spectator sport its much much worse. The matches are longer on pokemon showdown which has no battle animations then they are for doubles on cartridge with battle animations. 6v6 also devolves into a certain subset of pokemon without community enforced ban rules, which the pokemon company refuses to do. If the competititve scene was 6v6 offical, I can assure you we'd have the exact same team diversity except even worse. Fluttermane is banned in ou for a reason
Edit: that being said, i think pokemon in general is a terrible spectator sport right now, because the stupid animations take entirely too long to process, e..g. having to watch each individual pokemon get hit by sandstorm, which is even worse in 4v4
I will stop watching youtube if i cant block ads
im not looking forward to keith stormfront
https://www.cpusa.org/authors/joe-sims/ looks like hes still active, last article was 3 months ago, and i cant find anything about the party getting rid of him
first statue of elon musk on mars