C'est exactement ça!
That's very kind, thanks! I'll do better next time!
It already happened. The last James Bond character already clashed sharply with the seducer kung-fu fighter with cartoonish action moves and a gun expertise resembling Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun that were the original three. The James Bond figure constantly evolve to adapt to its audience and to the competitors (i'm looking at you, Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer).
This. Actually could be a good thing for the franchise, especially if the action is ruthless and needlessly brutal. Would make Bond a borderline psychopath with real unresolved issues.
Very nice!
True, but OP wants to run an impostor/mystery, so i feel i'm not completely out of touch, there.
Not really. I could make a video to show the process but most of it only takes a few minutes. The rest is just time spnment doing other things while letting the paint dry.
It's just a matter of waiting for the paint to dry and then add another layer, really. That's what i like about watercolor: water does half the job, time does the other half.
Thank you !
I know. I played Brindlewood Bay, and we felt that the endings were a little off because of the gameplay rules. That's why I was wondering about throwing an impostor out there to see what would come of it.
You got my curiosity! Do you have other movies like this one you liked?