[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

Also not to dox myself, but if it happened here as well, I can guarantee we (the country) asked for it, and the world would be better off for it (net positive as you said). Honestly, while it would be utterly tragic and would wipe out much of my immediate family as well and likely my partner and I as well in the aftermath- I'd go so far as to say that if Yellowstone had a massive eruption (of the worst scale imaginable), so long as the US doesn't launch the nukes to bring the rest of the world down with them (entirely possible, maybe even more likely than not) the rest of humanity would be better off (despite the resulting volcanic winter and likely famines that would cause, and the massive disruption or more accurately destruction of much of the modern world economy).

Things are just that bad, and the west is only trying to force the world to even worse. They (the west) only have terrorism now to offer the world; their system is defunct (anyone here should already understand that much, even if it's Hexbear) and is at such a point where it is literally cannibalizing itself and not just destructive and inefficient (as rentier/exploitative behavior always was), but wholly counterproductive to actual production and real wealth (not talking about capital, and wealth can be held either in private or public/proletarian control but you get what I mean) and prosperity, and destroying itself and trying to drag the rest of the world down with it to sustain its contradictions. And that's before getting into the multiple pressing crises their system is causing- climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, neoliberalism...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

Looking it up if nothing else it had a hell of a payoff: https://web.archive.org/web/20190218061545/https://www.jamaicaglobalonline.com/donald-harris-slams-his-daughter-senator-kamala-harris-for-fraudulently-stereotyping-jamaicans-and-accusing-her-of-playing-identity-politics/

“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 3 points 1 week ago

How about the best of both worlds? Orange man wins, gets JFKed during the inauguration. Bonus points if the shooter appeared in yet another BlackRock ad or had a history "recruiting" for Ukraine/Taiwan (or better yet, is involved in both).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

Honestly for Trump, I kinda want him to live at least till the voting starts. Maximize the fallout and all that.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

I imagine they probably did- I didn't watch the debate (and won't for any such politicians nowadays, listening to modern Hitlers and Goebbels debate for over an hour sounds like hell). The sheer level of mask-off-derangement from the "expansion of Isntreal" comments by Walz, even having looked it up to see the context, was worse than expected, to such a point Vance (predictably racist/etc as it has sounded like he was in the debate) genuinely may as well have sounded like a "puppy" in comparison like the comic in the post shows (though the artist definitely has all the wrong motivations).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 3 points 1 week ago

I- huh. Thanks for clearing it up, sounds like we were both reading each other wrong (speaking the wrong language effectively) then.

NGL thanks for responding on that actually, I actually was disappointed at what seemed like the end result of the conversation (seemed so close and yet so very far). FWIW I also was being sloppy and not paying the most attention (as said in various other comments- tired, no energy for it).

I think when the others were speaking of countries “recapitalizing”, they meant onshoring, or bringing the constant capital back into their own borders.

And yeah, their take on it was what I was trying to respond to initially.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

Fingers crossed, hopefully this helps further kill US soft power/pop culture influence. Humanity will get free of it eventually!

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 3 points 1 week ago

It sounds like rather, you’re confusing capitalization for capitalism. You don’t need to be capitalist to have capital, you do need capital to have industry/production.

I don't have the energy for this atm so will try to reply later (if anyone else wants to help me out go for it). But just... No, IMO (as said a bit out of it atm) this sounds incorrect.

Limited capitalization =/= capitalism, I agree (Dengism, or the NEP, etc. are examples of that). But I think we'd need to define what we mean by "capitalization" (the term which I was using since @BashfulBob@hexbear.net used it).

The definition from a quick google alone as an easy (+lazy, as said not quite up for it entirely- someone save me pls cri ) answer would be essentially... Accounting.

Thats understandably, not the context we were using (maybe innacurately, idk) the term "capitalization" for, given how it was first introduced into discussion (by @BashfulBob@hexbear.net ).

I was using it (and put it alongside the term in parentheses many times) as essentially- "financialization."

I guess where I'm getting at is "financialization" is not a requirement for industrialization or production.

Also, of course, production (and thus actual value) and trade and/or the division of labor ("the actual economy") and all can exist without capital, and predate capital. And I'd go so far as to say that capital (not just capitalism- but capital) is not a prerequisite for industrialization, though it is certainly the most efficient and viable mechanism to promote it thus far.

And even if we were to say that "all industry/production requires capital" - that does not mean that industry/production = capital. The two things are different, with the latter meant as something akin to a unit of measurement (and exchange) or the former.

As Marx said:

"Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks"

While I wouldn't claim that labor = production/industry (though it certainly has far more correlation than capital and production), I think it demonstrates my point...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 2 weeks ago

There's no reason the US can't onshore its industry again... But the process (and the products) will be prohibitively expensive, such that without astronomical subsidies (which the US certainly is pumping out, money printed go brrr) the only viable markets for such goods will be captive markets.

Rebuilding the industrial infrastructure, etc. will be hilariously overpriced. Rebuilding the ecosystem (base of engineering, R&D, etc) will be hilariously overpriced. The labor costs will be hilarious overpriced (because the workers' living expenses will be depressingly overpriced- Yankkkeestan and the collective west is expensive as all hell). The valuations, final cost of production, etc etc... will all be hilariously overpriced. And each and every capitalist will... "capitalize" appropriately on the situation to whittle out their cut.

What I'm saying is- China will be building a bridge in a few months to a year, and often doing it under budget and generally with great quality. Africa, Asia, Latin America will build their bridges, and it will take (varying amounts of time), and it will cost considerably less than it would in the US or anywhere in the west for comparable quality. Same with Russia, etc.

The US will use its money printer to magic up the funds to build a bridge (or even just repair it lol) and will wind up going massively over budget, will probably not have completed it within a decades time, will cut corners here and there (and won't even maintain it properly... Because everything in their system is so overpriced), and will have what may as well be infinite grift and corruption (probably legalized in one form or another). All the "capitalization" adds up lol...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah :) there are lots of sites where one can read it for free online, FWIW. Personally I like MangaDex.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 2 weeks ago

Ah ok, no worries then. In regards to the pooling of money, I would still be interested in knowing what minimum amounts could be meaningful and if such a process would be of interest (and am still offering to try to look up and try to connect him with resources here, since he wants to get out).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 2 weeks ago

What amounts would be meaningful to him? And would he be open to, say, starting a GoFundMe or alternatively finding other ways for people pooling money (say, sending you small amounts till it adds up to something significant and then you could send him in one lump sum) to aid him, as most people can probably at least spare small amounts (which may be little even after currency conversion, but would add up to something) and would want to?

Also- though best not to get his hopes up yet (and hell if I know if I even could), so probably not best to mention/translate this part yet- but, from seeing another comment in here talking about marriage as a means of escape- I would have to talk to others and figure it out, and I'm trans and not exactly looking for a relationship (in a poly relationship) so it wouldn't likely be a real thing if anything were to come out of it. But from the sounds of it, he is open to the idea of marriage as a means of- well, having a more secure place and perhaps more resources to save his family?

This secondary part can probably be mentioned, on the other hand (and maybe others might have interest in offering the same, or pooling together our efforts/resources to work towards the same). But if he is trying to leave Egypt as it sounds, medium-term (ie. over several months, by the end of the year) it is probably not out of the question that money could be pooled (and while I'm poor I could hypothetically aid in such a way) that he could be aided in purchasing a ticket to a western country, despite all the problems that also exist here. If he has interest, while I have no experience in this regard I also could certainly reach out to people and look into what resources may be available to aid him in doing so to get here (in Canada), and what resources there might be to help him through a refugee/etc. process. I have the time and am willing to offer it, and I imagine others do for their respective regions as well.

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