[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 day ago

So ... how likely is a "de-woke-ification" of trek, presuming it survives?

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 days ago

Oh yea I hear you.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 days ago

Yea, the "cheaper than droids" line in Andor feels strangely prescient ATM.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 22 points 3 days ago

Not a stock market person or anything at all ... but NVIDIA's stock has been oscillating since July and has been falling for about a 2 weeks (see Yahoo finance).

What are the chances that this is the investors getting cold feet about the AI hype? There were open reports from some major banks/investors about a month or so ago raising questions about the business models (right?). I've seen a business/analysis report on AI, despite trying to trumpet it, actually contain data on growing uncertainties about its capability from those actually trying to implement, deploy and us it.

I'd wager that the situation right now is full a lot of tension with plenty of conflicting opinions from different groups of people, almost none of which actually knowing much about generative-AI/LLMs and all having different and competing stakes and interests.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 4 points 3 days ago

AFAICT, it helps you pick an instance based on your interests, which only barely helps with the problem. If you’re new to the ecosystem, you typically just want to join in and see what’s going on before making any decisions. And you probably don’t want to bother with selecting criteria for a selection guide at all.

What I’m suggesting is clicking a button “Sign Up”, enter credentials, verify and done. Then allow the whole finding an instance process pan out naturally.

Part of the issue IMO is that how an instance advertises itself isn’t necessarily how it will be seen by someone … they need to see it for themselves.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 9 points 3 days ago
  1. Fix picking an instance. It’s an irredeemably bad UX, even for tech people who could run an instance if they wanted to. Gotta remove that as an initial UX barrier first, which would require a new layer of system with integration with all of the clients.
  2. Accept that this isn’t like mainstream social media and likely never will be, even if instance picking becomes easier for newcomers. So instead focus on what can be done well here. IMO it’s customisable community building.

Currently all the big fediverse platforms kinda suck at this, in part because it likely requires a bunch of features, but also because they’re all made in imitation of big social platforms that were always less “homely” and more engagement farms.

To bring normies, something new and unique needs to be offered. IMO there could be a rich ecosystem of content and structures and communities that draws people in.

My fear is that the protocol and federation are the limiting factors on this, and so I suspect some restructuring or redesign is necessary.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 days ago

Just recently read your 2017 article on the different parts of the “Free Network”, where it was new to me just how much the Star Trek federation was used and invoked. So definitely interesting to see that here too!

Aesthetically, the fedigram is clearly the most appealing out of all of these. For me at least.

It seems though that using the pentagram may have been a misstep given how controversial it seems to be (easy to forget if you’re not in those sort of spaces). I liked the less pentagram styled versions at the bottom. I wonder if a different geometry could be used?

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Similarly, heroes are emphasised in the film more and villains under emphasised. Sauron, Saruman and Denethor all having less screen time than mentions.

That Sam is relatively underplayed is interesting also. Pretty sure Tolkien is on record saying Sam is the actual hero of the story. Which is there in the film, but clearly with a preference for focusing on Frodo more.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 33 points 3 days ago

Yea, this highlights a fundamental tension I think: sometimes, perhaps oftentimes, the point of doing something is the doing itself, not the result.

Tech is hyper focused on removing the "doing" and reproducing the result. Now that it's trying to put itself into the "thinking" part of human work, this tension is making itself unavoidable.

I think we can all take it as a given that we don't want to hand total control to machines, simply because of accountability issues. Which means we want a human "in the loop" to ensure things stay sensible. But the ability of that human to keep things sensible requires skills, experience and insight. And all of the focus our education system now has on grades and certificates has lead us astray into thinking that the practice and experience doesn't mean that much. In a way the labour market and employers are relevant here in their insistence on experience (to the point of absurdity sometimes).

Bottom line is that we humans are doing machines, and we learn through practice and experience, in ways I suspect much closer to building intuitions. Being stuck on a problem, being confused and getting things wrong are all part of this experience. Making it easier to get the right answer is not making education better. LLMs likely have no good role to play in education and I wouldn't be surprised if banning them outright in what may become a harshly fought battle isn't too far away.

All that being said, I also think LLMs raise questions about what it is we're doing with our education and tests and whether the simple response to their existence is to conclude that anything an LLM can easily do well isn't worth assessing. Of course, as I've said above, that's likely manifestly rubbish ... building up an intelligent and capable human likely requires getting them to do things an LLM could easily do. But the question still stands I think about whether we need to also find a way to focus more on the less mechanical parts of human intelligence and education.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 10 points 3 days ago

What difference does it make?

submitted 3 days ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/til@lemmy.world

While territorial claims are and will likely be heated, what struck me is that the area is right near the Drake Passage, in the Weddell Sea (which is fundamental to the world's ocean currents AFAIU).

I don't know how oil drilling in the antarctic could affect the passage, but still, I'm not sure I would trust human oil hunger with a 10ft pole on that one.

Also interestingly, the discovery was made by Russia, which is a somewhat ominous clue about where the current "multi-polar" world and climate change are heading. Antarctica, being an actual continent that thrived with life up until only about 10-30 M yrs ago, is almost certainly full of resources.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 17 points 4 days ago

An eggplant parmigiana: the eggplant was mostly raw and barely heated, there was some greens based sauce that was just kale and oil blended or something, tasted awful, and a pretty simple tomato sauce that could have come out of a bottle.

To this day I don’t understand how I didn’t blow up in vegan rage at being disrespected on such a fundamental “I want edible food” level. It wasn’t cheap either.

[-] maegul@lemmy.ml 58 points 4 days ago

Didn’t finish all of the stories, but it seems pretty much as you’d expect: get trapped with someone that was either always controlling and selfish or develops that mentality by having control over someone and being the sole money maker.

Really makes the case for me that parenting should be made easier and being a workaholic type de-normalised. All of it seems to be a synptomatic of deeper dynamics around filling your life with things that aren’t satisfying or humane: jobs and “trad helicopter parenting”

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

It's funny, at time of posting, many of the YT comments are very nostalgic about how much has happened in this 8 year period ... and I can't lie, I feel it too god damn it.


Seems like fertile ground for coming up with something fun and interesting ... a whole shadow universe that barely touches ours ... but I don't think I've ever seen it.

submitted 1 week ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

Rant …

spoilerI’m talking about Ash/Rook, obviously.

Just saw the film recently, and while it’s a bit of a love it or hate it film I think, the Rook character is I think objectively egregious.

The idea is good, IMO, in a number of ways, and I can understand that the film makers felt like it was all done with love and affection for Holm and the character. As a viewer, not necessarily onboard with how many cues the film was taking from the franchise, I noticed the silhouette of Rook pretty quickly and was quite happy/hyped to see where it would go.

But OMG the execution is unforgivable! And I feel like this is just so much of what’s wrong with Hollywood and VFX, and also indicates that some execs were definitely intervening in this film. Somewhat fortunately for the film, it had a low budget (AFAICT, by Wikipedia) and is making a profit.

But it’s no excuse to slap some bad CGI onto shots that were not designed for bad CGI. Close ups on the uncanny valley! Come on! AFAICT, bad CGI is often the result of a complete disconnect between the director and the VFX crew, in part because the VFX industry is kept at arms length from the film industry, despite (it because of) its massive importance.

That CGI is not something you do a close up on. No remotely decent director would have done that knowing the CGI looked like that. This is likely bad studio management creating an unworkable situation.

What could have worked much better IMO is don’t have the synth functioning well. Have its facial expressions and movements completely artificial and mechanical. Rely on the likeness of Holm and the AI voice (which did and generally do work well). Could have been done just with a well directed animatronic coupled with some basic CGI to enrich some textures and details. Instead we got a dumb “we’ll do it in post” and tortured some poor editor into cutting those shots together.

For many the film was a mixed bag. For me too. But this somehow prevents me from embracing it because I just don’t trust the people who made it.

… End rant.

submitted 2 weeks ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

A nice and fair comparison I thought. The main difference, it seems, was the styles of the two films, where a bunch of stylistic choices rather disparate from whether CGI was used or not separate the two.

My take after seeing furiosa was that it's biggest flaw was that its makers struggled with the expectations of Fury Road and I think these stylistic differences kinda support that, where I'd guess they felt like they had to go with a different look and not simply repeat Fury Road's aesthetic when in the end there may not have been much of a coherent artistic purpose behind those changes.

submitted 2 weeks ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/videos@lemmy.world

New genre just dropped!

I've liked some of the other things this guy has done, but didn't get into this track at first. As I kept watching though, I got more and more into it and am certain I'd be down for an album of this stuff.

submitted 2 weeks ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

Yes, I'm slow, sorry!

Now this may very well be excessive expectations. I had heard a few people say it's this year's Andor. IE, you should just watch it even if it's not the sort of thing you think you'd be into. Also, I've never played the games

I've just finished the first 2 episodes, and, for me, it's not bad, it's a kinda interesting world ... but there's a distinctly empty feeling and awkwardness to the show for me. Sometimes scenes feel like they're either filling time or still trying to find their rhythm. I'm not sure any of the dialogue has caught my ear (at all). I'm not sure I've picked up on any interesting stakes or mysteries. And I've often wondered about the directing (where I can't help but wonder if Jonathan Nolan's directing is more about trying to compete with his brother).

The soft tipping point for me was the Knight's fight with the Ghoul (episode 2) ... it just felt pointless and childish. The whole scene seemed to strangely lack any gravity or impetus. And I find myself ~2.5 hrs in and not caring about anything that's happening. It's a post nuclear apocalypse world, with some mutants, a naive bunker person, and a manipulative corporation or two doing sneaky shit ...

... dunno ... what am I missing? Should I just keep watching?

submitted 3 weeks ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

Watching this, and seeing more of these types of interviews from Corridor Crew, it struck me that it's filling the void left by death of DVDs/BluRays and their special features.

submitted 1 month ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

I looked around and struggled to find out what it does?

My guess would be that it notifies you of when new posts are made to communities you subscribe to. But that sounds like a lot, so I'm really not sure.

Otherwise, is it me or does the wording here not speak for itself?

submitted 1 month ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

Generally, the lens I've come to criticise any/all fediverse projects is how well they foster community building. One reason why I like and "advocate" for the lemmy/threadiverse side of things is precisely because of this and how the centrality of the community/sub/group is a good way of organising social media (IMO).

Also, because of that, I recently came to be skeptical of the effects that the "All" feed can have. I didn't even realise that people relied mostly on the All feed until recently.

I think I've reached the point now of being against it (at least tentatively). I know, it's a staple and there's no way it's going away. And I know it's useful.

But thinking about the feature set, through the community building lens, I think it'd be fair to say that things are out of balance: they don't promote community building enough while also providing the All feed which dissolves community building.

Not really a criticism of the developers ... AFAIU, the All feed is easier to implement than any other community building feature ... and it's expected from reddit (though it isn't normal on forums AFAICT, which is maybe worth considering for anyone happy to reassess what about reddit is retained and what isn't).

But still, I can imagine a platform that is more focused on communities:

  • Community explorer tool built in.
    • Could even be a substitute for an All feed ... where you can browse through various communities you don't know about and see what they've posted recently
  • Multi-communities (long time coming by now for many I'd say)
    • Could even be part of the community explorer tool where you can create on-the-fly multi-communities to see their posts in a temporary feed
  • Private and local only communities (already here on lemmy and coming for private communities)
  • Post visibility options for Public communities (IE, posts that opt-in private)
  • More flexible notifications for various things/events that happen within a community
  • Wikis
  • Chat interface
    • I'm thinking this is pretty viable given that Lemmy used to use a web-socket auto-updating design ... add that to the flat chat view and you've got a chat room. There are resource issues, so limiting them to one per community or 6hrs per week per community or something would probably be necessary.

A possibly interesting and frustrating aspect of all of these suggestions/ideas above is I can see their federation being problematic or difficult ... which raises the issue of whether there's serious tension between platform design and protocol capabilities.

submitted 1 month ago by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

There are also some gems in there about how old and constant underplaying the amount of VFX in a film is.

From the video, Stand By Me had a VFX shot (the train bridge scene, of course) but no one was allowed to talk about that. And of course The Fugitive train crash scene had to have "real trains" even though it's all mostly miniatures.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by maegul@lemmy.ml to c/movies@lemm.ee

Lets try this experiment

Start watching Big Trouble in Little China at 7pm, Central Time, USA (as precisely as you can) ... and come here for live posts as you watch!

This is ~24 hours from the time of this post

Here's a timeanddate.com link to the timezone(s) involved.

@AVincentInSpace@pawb.social jas volunteered to run a live watch on cytube the day afterward (approx 7pm Monday). Posts and links should be coming (and see comments below on the idea).

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