Hope a successor pops up soon
Where's the beans?
- Diablo
- Halo
- Castlevania (most of classic vania)
- Warhammer 40000: Mechanicus
- Fallout
- Elder Scrolls Oblivion
- Wizardry - Tale of the Forsaken Land
- Nier (first game soundtrack)
- Baldurs Gate II
- Deadly Premonition
- Resident Evil
- Lawnmower Man snes
- Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
- Mass Effect
IKR need more competition
Johnnyguru works for Corsair now, designing their hardware iirc
The push for photorealism has been to the detriment of everything else sadly.
Nice art ^^
Yeah it's cool the way that worked ^^ was fun in the cabinet with the steering wheel thing lol
The only one on here on first glance that I'd want to play is Elden Ring
The community behind TTW has helped to get a load of the mods working well together too. (so you can go through 3 with a load of the same mods in New Vegas. Another good one is Sweet 6 Shooter perk pack
True, a lot of the chips used currently are older ones that are common in android tv boxes. I'm hoping given time the more recent chips will start to trickle through so we start to see more capable machines and more competition may lead to lower pricing. There's a load of systems up to ps1, the new sp shaped ambernic my wife has been keeping an eye on but I can emulate everything up to 360 on my laptop so I'm hoping for something a little more for on the go personally. But its nice to see a wide range of devices and what they can do currently is great, the markets competitive for them too which is always healthy and good for the consumer
I don't really have nostalgia for things, I just prefer the older design. I do have a fondness for 70s and 80s art which this kind of applies too also.