[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 3 points 9 hours ago

The political cum piss is actually shit

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 31 points 12 hours ago

Stormy sends her regards

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 6 points 22 hours ago

random chemical bullshit

yeah people way overestimate the degree of determinism embodied in DNA.

Gene expression (epigenetics) are half, probably more, of the story.

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 2 points 22 hours ago

I get what you’re saying but also disagree on the conclusion, if I’m reading right. Feels like a form of solipsism which is just … navel-gazey.

Imagining oneself in another’s position is simple empathy, an evolved trait foundational to human civilization. The point is not to be able to perfectly imagine that other life, or to understand it in full detail. The point is to recognize common humanity between yourself and that other person.

In empathizing, I make a basic assumption about another person’s experience, in its intelligibility to myself, despite not having experienced it directly myself. It is like how in physics, we can’t prove beyond all doubt that the laws of the physics are the same in other galaxies (although there is of course strong evidence, e.g. spectral lines). I am reasonably certain of a baseline humanity shared by all humans, and on that basis I feel valid in empathizing.

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

I think they’re Trots or something. They do sometimes miss, especially on Ukraine. But overall yes they are actually communists.

One of their top viewed videos is Ash Sarkar on Good Morning Britain making Piers Morgan look dumb

I’m literally a communist, you idiot

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 7 points 3 days ago

Not to mention not all companies are publicly traded

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 3 points 3 days ago

Agreed… disability is a biologically relative term, not socially relative. A society which fully accommodates deafness would not actually abolish deafness.

Someone I know has a hearing disability. It’s not like they are unable to survive without me, but hearing would absolutely make them safer at times. For example, when walking through a dangerous part of town, there is a reason hearing people don’t wear headphones. In nature, it’s a good thing if you can hear rattlesnakes or idk, a bear charing at you lol.

Does that mean a deaf person cannot live a life as rich as a hearing person? I don’t believe that at all. Like said above, there can be certain subjective upsides to deafness that might balance the losses. But it’s still a disability.

submitted 2 months ago by quarrk@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Washington, D.C., July 9, 2024 - Hailed at the time as an historic change “burying” a Cold War rivalry, the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997 was privately characterized as a “forced step” by Russian President Boris Yeltsin, who told U.S. President Bill Clinton that he opposed NATO expansion but saw no alternative to signing the accord. Yeltsin’s blunt admission is one of several revelations from a new set of declassified documents published today by the National Security Archive to mark the NATO 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington. 

The documents show that the Clinton administration’s policy in the 1990s emphasizing two tracks of both NATO enlargement and Russian engagement often collided, leaving lasting scars on Yeltsin, who constantly sought what he called partnership with the U.S. But as early as fall 1994, according to the documents, the Partnership for Peace alternative security structure for Europe, which included both Russia and Ukraine, was de-emphasized by U.S. policymakers, who only delayed NATO enlargement until both Clinton and Yeltsin could get through their re-elections in 1996. 

Yeltsin and his foreign minister in 1997, Yevgeny Primakov, provided the Americans neither the “grudging endorsement” of NATO expansion that the U.S. hoped for nor even the “acquiescence” that subsequent American memoirs claimed. Rather, as Yeltsin told Clinton personally at Helsinki in March 1997: “Our position has not changed. It remains a mistake for NATO to move eastward. But I need to take steps to alleviate the negative consequences of this for Russia. I am prepared to enter into an agreement with NATO, not because I want to but because it is a forced step. There is no other solution for today.” 

The newly declassified documents also show that Yeltsin and his top officials continued to cooperate with NATO on more flexible arrangements under the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty (CFE) even while NATO was bombing Belgrade during the Kosovo crisis of March-April 1999. 

These newly published records come from the Clinton Presidential Library and are the result of Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests filed by the Archive and other researchers and a successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought by the Archive against the State Department to open the files of Strobe Talbott, who was a top adviser on Russian affairs (1992-1993) and Deputy Secretary of State (1994-2001) during the Clinton administration.

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 116 points 4 months ago

CEO Sundar Pichai said, "We have a culture of vibrant, open discussion... But ultimately we are a workplace and our policies and expectations are clear: this is a business, and not a place […] to fight over disruptive issues or debate politics."

  • Our apolitical business decisions
  • Their disruptive protests

A billion-dollar contract with Israel is a political decision. There is no way to oppose it except politically. Own the decisions you make Google.

Nightmare fuel (hexbear.net)

🐸 hellow. My name is Doctor Jordan B Peterson, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD. I am going to tell you what I learned about Coral Marks last night in a sleep-deprived, medicated, and sleepless stupor.


The Mormons are not ok.


In North Korea you have to work during your wedding ceremony

Unfortunately this one came from a fascist Facebook page called “I,Hypocrite”


Thanks, Apple!

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 105 points 7 months ago

edit It is fascinating how abrupt and vocal a response I get here if I say something negative about Putin. It's also fascinating how many upvotes those responses get. It makes the provenance of this community's opinions fairly obvious.


You sound exactly like Shapiro

“People immediately telling me I’m wrong is proof that I’m saying the hard truth!”

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 70 points 7 months ago

They're tankies, ie radical communists who support authoritarian regimes like North Korea and the CP, and fully support Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Libs thinking about worldviews in this backward way is a reflection of how their brains work.

First pick a team, then embrace the ideology.

A liberal cannot comprehend theory forming the basis of a worldview. Hence the the reduction of all radical theory to “they support the evil dictators!!!”

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 118 points 8 months ago

No, China doesn’t count because that would challenge my worldview. I know I’m right, I just haven’t figured out how yet.

submitted 8 months ago by quarrk@hexbear.net to c/earth@hexbear.net

cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/7914101

Re: @ZLabe@fediscience.org

It was an unbelievable year for global climate.

As data is released in the first two weeks of January, you are going to be hearing all about these new climate change records. Apologies for all my graphs in advance!! 😬

See the spiral animation produced by NASA at: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/5190/


[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 75 points 8 months ago

YTA you should have been more forward. Out of respect (for the Iraqis) I would suggest something like “oh cool” or “the earth is healing”

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