It's actually way easier (and cheaper) than that. Half the country's population lives in a straight fucking line between Windsor and Quebec City.
Obligatory Rick Mercer high speed rail study video (which itself is 12 years old)
I saw in my feed a week or two ago someone said that the Rabbi at their synagogue has stopped wearing and using the star of david entirely (and encouraged others to do the same) because Israel has soiled its image so irreparably.
Apologies, I should specify. Only incel shaming, not volcel shaming
the leadership in the west is completely deranged
Ultimately this is the core of it. During the Cold War the yanks at least tried to understand the Soviets: how they thought, what motivated them, what made them tick. They really put a lot of effort into understanding their enemy, and MAD was treated as a real actual threat to be avoided.
There is no such effort made today. It's just rabid defense contractors sitting on their thrones of human skulls, in front of their Scrooge McDuck sized piles of money. All they want is domination and control. They want to destroy and balkanise Russia so they and their buddies can get more contracts and colonise the newly formed, broken up states and make even more money. All the while the media is chanting "Slava Ukraini!" and whipping the scratched libs into a genocidal frenzy.
the only reason it's a bad joke is because we all knew what the punchline was before we even clicked
otherwise, it's
That's awesome, but doesn't Cuba have a pretty chronic problem with electricity supply? IIRC they get a lot of it from burning Venezuelan fossil fuels.
Basically every single act of evil committed by USA after World War Two, he was there in some capacity.