(Context: post)
Title: Moderation not keeping up with influx of violent rhetoric following the assassination of the UHC CEO.
I am seeing a huge increase in posts and comments that incite violence, make threats of violence against specific people, or that celebrate real-world instances of violence and murder. There are hundreds of comments on this instance posted over the past day that brazenly violate rule #1 “We do not tolerate threats of and calls for violence in any form against any living creature”.
Many offending comments have been dealt with by mods, but some mods are seemingly allowing this violent rhetoric in their respective sub-communities. There are many active threads about the UHC CEO right now on that are filled with violent rule-breaking comments, and very little visible moderation.
Given that the mods are either unable or unwilling to enforce this most fundamental content rule, when can we expect the admins to get involved and start handing out bans to the users that have been celebrating murder and inciting more violence? It’s pretty out of control right now, and I’m betting that the admins could find themselves in hot water with the authorities if this continues to go unchecked.
Lenin forgot to mention that adventurism is cool because it makes all the liberals show their ass with hand wringing.
Adventurists, I apologize, you were right.
Seriously though, hexbears, still don't start doing adventurism. ORGANIZE AND AGITATE. A mass movement is the only way things will change.
Adventurism being cool is one of it's big downsides. If it wasn't rad as hell it wouldn't call to us so much
It's seductively easy for individuals, and unfortunately easier than organizing. It's as much a trap as a tactic.
~~Adventurist~~ violence + mass movement --> liberation army
Yes, and the organizing is hard which is why we should be doing it. Leave the easy mode stuff to the casuals. Anyone with proper opsec can become an adventurist, but chads form a disciplined movement.
Also, fused to a movement it isn't adventurist anymore really...
As much as it pains me to say this, you're correct.
I'm reading the text from Lenin right now, and happened upon this (which I'll post in the impromptu reading group later)
Lenin, critiquing the SR's, notes that praising adventurism is basically "Great man theory" dressed up in a coat. We should reverse this - the real great work of organizing is not easy, not noble, but way more important.
This, to is why we should still scold adventurists (sorry comrade) - it's not that it's not cool - IT IS COOL. But the coolness comes at the expense of the REAL ENERGY we should put into organizing. It's basically that this stuff often comes at the expense of real action. Everyone wants to feel like the cool lone wolf adventurist, but no one wants to do the work of actual organizing.
We can recognize this as cool, but unless United Healthcare dissolves tomorrow, this action won't mean anything on its own. I WANT to be proven wrong, btw. Own me, please - I want this to be the beginning of a movement, a
for the US.
However, even if that's the case, organizing is going to be the real end goal.
it doesn't have to be either/or and you don't have to pretend it has no effect (when we're literally discussing the effects as they are occurring!) in order to support organizing. There's no "taking" of energy, like, what? How can an event which is presently inspiring thousands to discuss it and the evils of American healthcare "taking energy"? It is literally galvanizing discussion. And that isn't "great man theory," it's literally just having open eyes and ears witnessing how people are reacting.
and nobody has "given up their life" yet, the guy got away. So far.
I do think it makes sense for communists specifically to abstain from adventurism, especially this early in things. We’re the best equipped to actually build an ideologically principled movement. Our movements face enough heat without being tied to adventurism, and also adventurism probably has a bigger impact when the perpetrator is perceived as a regular person and not an agent of a radical political movement.
Van Spronsen did. We have our martyrs, even if they’re few. It’s the difference between destroying ICE and shooting up their parking lot
But the prophecies foretell of a Great Man to fulfill the theory
Its so unfortunate that adventurism looks and feels so fucking rad while being so easy