Look ,personally I want this to be perfect ,to include every single detail not mentioned about the DPRK in the west ,also no I’m not gonna tell you how I have contact with a DPRK diplomat ,please ask sincere questions and remember this is a DPRK diplomat, not a citizen so there is stuff that they can’t answer and stuff that they aren’t allowed to answer
If my friend from the DPRK replies ,I will update you but this is for someone else ,I’ve acquired a lot of important info on the DPRK that I want to share with all of you and this is so that it could be perfect ,please ask good questions
So far this is the answer thread
Can we have a meat, chicken, and meaty noodles recipe (so three recipes) unique to the DPRK please? I'll take even just one recipe if three is too much trouble!
EDIT: oooh, and a chicken bun recipe please! If I can only have one recipe please let it be this!
And a vegan recipe!
His answer
“I am not a cook and I lack a recipe book so I cannot give an adequate answer to Evil Sandwich man.
Recipes from the south are likely easy to find online and would still hold the heart of traditional Korean cooking, although there may be Western influences that would need to be removed from the recipes to be wholly traditional.“
Ah, thanks!
DPRK hosts this official recipe website.
Hey, thanks for this!