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Yeah this fucking sucks but I can't say I'm surprised.
A couple of months ago he went on an interview and just completely lost his shit, hearing voices and talking absolute nonsense... there was a lot of talk on twitter about how he had just lost the election right there and then, surely it would not be possible to recover from such a disastrous public appearance...
I remember laughing in Brazilian back then, doing my best impression of the "first time?" meme, wondering if people have not been paying attention at all for the past five years. The same "silver bullet" kind of moment happened over and over and over again with Bolsonaro (and Trump for that matter), and guess what? Nothing fucking happens. These right wing lunatics can shit themselves live on TV however much they want, nothing's going to dissuade their voters.
And I think there's a reason for that: nothing makes fucking sense anymore. People just want change, they just want to fix this "nameless" despair, this emptiness and lack of purpose and hope. People intuitively understand that neoliberalism has nothing to offer except for abject failure and slow but certain decay, unless you're rich. The thing is, they don't know what to call it. Half a century of propaganda as well as an education completely unconcerned with a critical, materialist assessment of history has made it all but impossible to even begin to understand what's going wrong with the world.
The left is under constant surveillance and is browbeaten back into hiding every time it grows strong or even tries to. The right has no such limitations, and has the freedom to come out and "explain" to the people their own twisted version of reality. An exploited, uninformed, desperate, frustrated and angry working class believes that explanation, after all they have nobody else to explain things.
I'm certainly oversimplifying things, but I think that's the reason why I very often see stuff like delivery guys riding motorcycles adorned with "God, Nation and Family"-style fash stickers. It's the only way I can see the most exploited sympathizing with the exploiter and voting for the people who openly say that the exploiter should exploit more.
This is it 100%
These neoliberal weasels are DESPISED and people reach for the right because there’s no alternative. Think about how much the other guy would have to be loathed to lose to ancap man
They could literally have just voted for the woman that ended in third place, no? Was she not better than Milei? This isn't "they had no alternative", this is the alt right manipulating the narrative to get the people to vote on the worst possible candidate. It keeps happening again and again all over the world.
Guys I hate to admit it but I think I'm coming around on this guy. I can't remember the last time I read three straight paragraphs where every sentence manages to somehow up the ante, truly incredible stuff. People are comparing him to Trump, but Trump could never be this cool.
me but from the evil dimension
oh no
If anyone ever asks why I make my dog a little fantasy world, I'm going to link them that and say shut up.
my family like to pretend our dog is president of Brazil as a joke
Maybe they are.
Dude, I know mentioning HOI4 is
but this feels a lot like the backstory for Antonin Artaud in Red Flood. Just a clearly unwell guy put in charge because the left has been annihilated but the establishment is still hated by everybody.
Milei L'État Irréel era
Caligula speedrun let's fucking gooooooooo
Psychotic disorders can be really fascinating, all the unique delusions from person to person shows the organic creativity of the individual with it. Sad that when you mix it with charisma and right wing politics you end up with something like this. But this also shows that with the right level of societal acceptance and support, people with these disorders can go on to live a full life. Folks with schizophrenia have the highest unemployment rate of any demographic, I wonder how many of them could engage in society more...
I hope this asshole gets removed tho, mf thinks he's talking to God and ayn rand, not a good combo.
The reactionary mind never fails to amaze
This slams lmao
This is like that libertarian detective copy pasta because you can't think it can get crazier but it keeps going
Uhh you got a link to this? I gotta see it lol
I couldn't find any English sources discussing that interview specifically, but here's a very interesting article about his, uh, eccentricity and penchant for canine telepathy mediated by an ancap witchdoctor:
I think a lot of people straight up refuse to acknowledge that they are exploited by anyone. As a slight to their character or something if they acknowledged it.
The exploitation of every working person is so normalized that they can't even except it for what it is. Or in the case of Americans for instance they believe that only happens to workers in other countries because
very oppressed but not exploited
Its the same as people believing on true heart that they are "middle class" while broke as fuck, because being poor is not the material conditions but a personal moral failure that they deny of accept.
What gets me about this is that conservatives genuinely think that "the communists run the media therefore the right are oppressed
Who cares about usa amendments? This thread is about argentine? Are you okay?
Also, I'll wipe my ass with any constitution the moment I have the possibility.
Free speech is an illussion that does not exist and has never existed in reality
what's the relevance of applying the american constitution to argentina?