Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
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I'm very curious about the impact of abortion since it's clearly hugely significant to people and yet the Democratic party has shown and continues to show they have no interest in acting on it on a federal level.
I'm not even sure they have interest acting on a state level since everything I've seen has been ballot initiatives.
The only states where the presidential vote matters are “battleground” states.
Only states that have abortion on the ballot are where abortion will be a significant political issue.
As of now, there’s only 1 state that ticks both of those boxes (Arizona). So in terms of the presidential election, it’s only really relevant there. And tbh, the way the polling seems now, it looks like Arizona will make abortion legal but vote for Trump.
Yet another opportunity to immediatly lock this election up and instead they send out Joe to stammer through a statement about how he doesn't personally support it and "doesn't believe in the whole my body my choice thing"
I know. It's ridiculous that most people still consider the Democratic party to be pro choice in any sort of meaningful sense.
It's like when liberals say "one party wants to give everybody healthcare"
Oh really? Which party is that? Because the only thing I've ever seen democrats competently resist was universal Healthcare and in 2016 the dem candidate literally compared working for universal Healthcare to "promising everyone a pony"