Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
To the people saying they will not vote, why not vote for De la Cruz? Even if you don't like the PSL, it's better than voting blank?
I'm the campaign volunteer coordinator for the campaign in Akron, Ohio (don't scold me about doxxability, I don't care, my name, address, and party affiliation is a matter of public record). The PSL and the De La Cruz campaign is the only serious contender in the country.
I do truly believe that almost all Communist orgs out there are fundamentally full of well-meaning people, but at least outside of New York and L.A., the PSL is the only nationwide Marxist-Leninist org putting the effort into actually being nationwide. I've been out canvassing for the last few weeks to get our girlbosses on the ballot and I haven't seen nor heard of any other organized petitioning (that wasn't literally just one crank super into Jasmine Sherman or Marianne Williamson or some other deeply unserious joke candidate).
Though winning would be great, the best thing about volunteering for the campaign is that it's a great way to get involved in your local branch without having to become a member. Protests are loud and impersonal, but going canvassing with your other CK24 canvassers can help you get to know your local PSL branch (and while I stand by the PSL as a whole and my local branch, like any other org not all locals are created equal). I have gotten to know so many great people who would never have spontaneously decided to join "the Tankie Party" but were attracted to the party through CK24 being the most active Socialist alternative campaign.
The thing the PSL has that none of these other campaigns (Sherman, West, Williamson, Stein, Kennedy) do is dozens or hundreds of disciplined comrades in every state and major city ready to organize and lead a campaign without being beholden to big donors or the Democratic Party apparatus. No other org has anything close to this.
seriously know that you are appreciated doing election work like this is thankless and stressful most of the time but somebody has to do it
100% agree but i'm british so i don't get to
I'm Swedish, so same. No skin in the game, I just feel like this election is a good opportunity for Americans to show that Marxism Leninism is more popular than people might think.
Because voter registration can be a safety nightmare
I don't know how that works, wanna explain?
If you register to vote your home address becomes accessible behind a Google search. A lot of times doxxing relies off voter registration so they can get an address. If you are worried about stalkers or getting doxxed, voter registration can be pretty dangerous.
I still have the voter registrations from my district when I ran for state house 15 years ago.