Long Island Delenda Est
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No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
From what I remember NYC cops died of covid at one of the highest rates of any group of people in the country.
Cops in general did. It was the leading cause of death for cops, followed by car accidents from not wearing seatbelts and heart attacks from sitting in their cars all the time.
Most dangerous job
One of my favorite bits is to get mad and call cops pussies when people say cops have a dangerous job because my former job of Pizza Delivery Driver was significantly more dangerous and we weren’t allowed to carry weapons
If i remember correctly, being a police officer isn’t even in the top 10 dangerous jobs. It’s jobs like logging, industrial fishing, electrician, and some medical jobs. Yet you never hear about them when they die on the job yet the entire city shuts down if a single cop slips on a banana peel
According to Forbes for the top 10 we’ve got:
Fishing and hunting workers
Pilots and flight engineers (helicopters are the main reason)
Steel workers
Delivery and truck drivers (includes semi-trucks to UPS to pizza delivery)
Garbage collectors
Construction workers
Electrical line workers
Edit: Also with the exception of loggers miners they’re all from either transportation accidents (car crashes, or helicopter crashes for pilots) or falling off of stuff
I remember that; wasn't the NYPD the same guys wearing the 'I can breathe' shirts at one point as counter protest after murdering someone? I recall reading someone saying after this came out they donated a bunch of those 'I can breathe shirts' to the NYPD during covid, lol
Cool and good