The tragedy of himbo death
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Male, not insecure much to my knowledge; I think the split here is "I wouldn't just fuck you". As far as I understand the world attraction for women to men is much less based on "beauty standards" and more other factors.
Everytime I said to the women in my life "That guy's hot, isn't he?" on the basis of what I think would be an attractive man I get back "God, no". Think like, I don't know, Ryan Gosling or Alan Ritcherson or and then Jack Black comes up and their heart beats ouf of their chest, their eyes get comically large and they go "AWOOOOOOOOOOOOGA". I've since learned I have no idea what hetero women find hot and that people like Ryan Gosling or Alan Ritcherson are, going by looks, more like a male fantasy of how and what to look like.
So coming from the womens POV that sounds like a compliment, but to the guy it sounds like "I don't think you're physically that hot.", because he's Jack Black and not Ryan Gosling if that makes sense. I think the ire here is in large part that women are often complimented on their looks, rarely on their skills and it's vice versa for men, which is why he probably wants to hear he's Ryan Gosling and not Jack Black.
All very much generalized and such, but that's what I figured. Given her version of the story I think storming out is a bit much, though.
i mean no disrespect when i say this, it's absurd to believe women don't actually think ryan gosling and dudes like that are hot. that is literally 90% of their appeal and why they're rich and famous- women pay to see them in movies because they're hot. i know they'll say that if you ask them, but my brother, come on. they certainly probably find jack black more entertaining and "huggable" but if we're being honest with ourselves, and you ask 10 women which of these two men they find more attractive, do you honestly, HONESTLY think most of them would pick jack black?
also, "i find you attractive like jack black, not like ryan gosling" isn't a nice compliment.
i think people really just have trouble admitting that women can be insensitive and shitty just like men can, and that men can have insecurities and feelings and it isn't invalid. there are so many people in here acting like "you just haven't read enough feminist theory" to justify taking the girlfriend's side in this post, but that's just mental gymnastics. i love shitting on men all day, i will shit on men like nobody's business, but i can not read this post and not think her boyfriend was right to be upset
It feels odd to presume every women that I talk about such topics with because we have close, personal friendships would lie to me about it. It's not like I haven't heard them saying things about Jack Black not suitable to be repeated in polite company after some drinks. And hell, on the scale of Ryan Gosling to Jack Black I definitely trend towards Gosling, not jack.
it's not that they're lying, it's that wE LiVe iN a SoCiETy that makes women feel bad for lusting after hot men, so they would reflexively say that jack black is more attractive to them when put in that situation.
Most women I know are very upfront about being attracted to people purely because of their bodies.
Most men I know are very upfront about there being more qualities than just aesthetics that are determining for wether or not they're attracted to someone.
Most everybody likes to look at pretty people. Most everybody have more criteria than "pretty" for when they determine wether or not to hook up with someone, it's not something that's unique to any gender.