you think even a semi-conscious government would recognize treats are the only glue holding the tattered remains of american "culture" and cohesion together and would have put a stop to this particular type of gouging (even if just the food sector) using the various tools available
but nope. speedrun this thing lets do it. how about that supreme court case coming up about destroying the concept of unions being legal entities
People act as if "bread and circuses" was this scam the Roman Empire ran to keep the people as complacent sheeps or whatever, without realizing that being fed and being entertained are basically the only two things people care about, and that anyone who provides that is going to avoid collapse
The Roman Empire didn't fall because it tried to keep everyone placated with bread and circuses, it fell because it could no longer provide that stability to its people
It's ok comrades, Uncle Joe Biden has sent a strongly worded letter to corporate bosses to please stop with shrinkflation. We are saved
My favorite moment in politics lately was when a reporter asked the press secretary
"Have you considered any actions other than "conversations""
It was about Palestine but it applies to pretty much everything and boy howdy did that question piss off the press secretary. I'm pretty sure the official transcript included sputtering
Ngl the slop getting more expensive was a significant factor that got me to stop eating fast food. At least when it was cheap I could tell myself there was a benefit to the garbage I was eating, but even the "deals" stopped being worth it.
We joke but now even treats are being taken away from the masses, when the bread is gone I hope the circus is worth it.
>4 food items
That's only true if you buy the items individually which seems to be very common with how many people i overhear the order of in the drive thru.
But I know for a fact that you can get a cheesy gordita crunch, beefy 5 layer, cheesy fiesta potatoes, and a medium (+$0.10 to make it a large) drink for $7 (in the taco bell app, it's the 'build your own cravings box'). Welcome to what I like to dub the "pizza place monetization scheme", where prices are inflated to shit and back unless you know or research the magic code and/or corporate advertises the magic code.
Not coming at you personally but I keep seeing this posted when people talk about fast food prices.
It shouldn't take a dedicated app, advanced planning and signing away your rights to a class action lawsuit to not get charged $8 for 1 item of fast food slop
It's like if somebody responded to a complaint about grocery prices with a link to that extreme couponing show and said they didn't know why people were complaining.
Not that I'm trying to take fast food that seriously, just not eating the stuff is pretty easy when there isn't any of it for 40 miles in any direction but this slop was the closest thing to a creature comfort for a lot of people who are struggling.
I don't want fast food dlc. I just want a fucking taco
Biden ameria is what Happened...... the rise in food pri ces, the defunding of police, the unemployment, sending our taxes to fund Hunter's war against Putin in Ukraine.... it's all apart of The communist agenda.
tacobell really jacked up their prices recently tho. lots of dollar things are now 2,3,4 etc.
Yea as much as we're dunking on this it really is the thing that gets the vast majority of Americans to actually start thinking in terms of materialism.
> picture of taco.
> nearly 200 comments and half as many upbears.
Oh no
i bought 2 chalupa supremes yesterday. Cashier said $13.45. I was like, "Not the combo, just the chalupas." Not to long ago 13 bucks would feed a family at taco bell. It's getting ridiculous.
My mystery flavor five for a buck ramen from the dollar store got 10% smaller a month ago. I'm furious. It's how I keep the lights on while feeding the kids real food.
It's also technically vegan ramen? Or at least, I can't identify any animal products in the chemical soup on the label. Oh well, I'll keep eating that slop.
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