This guy exists in spades in rural Russia.
This isn't a new guy. It's a hard to find guy. They're generally the highest tier of guys, absolute Champs
I swear half of my enjoyment from their podcast is listening to southern accents say shit like "now i reckon that the DPRK has to be doing something right"
What podcast is that?
Trillbilly Worker's Party
I love these boys. I miss Tanya.
“The USSR Will Rise Again” needs to be on a belt buckle with a hammer and sickle behind it.
THE GLOBAL SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN and it's a hammer and sickle flanked by Thomas Sankara and Ho Chi Minh
I listen to several podcasts by this guy
damn now I want a USSR version of those ridiculous THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN flags with the skeleton soldiers on it
that's probably already in dasharezone's feed somewhere
this is my prolesona
"Well, hold up, what the hell? You don't want to decide who your boss is? You want to just go into the factory and just have someone tell you what to do? Yeah haha I think you're out of your mind. Let's just go and hope that one of the factories just happens to have a good boss instead of just electing a good boss. Let's just make a bunch of little factories so we can gamble on one of them having a good boss instead of... I don't know... ELECTING A GOOD BOSS! You realize the factories actually produce important things, right? They're not just little slot machines where you can hope that, by benevolence of God, some good king of factories descends from the heavens. Human nature is collaborating and finding the best way to make what we need to survive! Please don't waste my time with fairy tales that evaporate the second they hit the real world."
comment of pure gold
Hey brother, I'm just sayin'. Fuck what Washington says. Local soviets are the true representatives of the peoples' will. Know what ah mean?
Definitely someone I'd hang out with
I already have a thing for redneck guys, so this would help.
I once had an idea for a bit back when Jamie Peck was on The Majority Report that some dude with a southern drawl would call in and start ripping into her for supporting "The Liberal Agenda" but it turns out he's a ML from Alabama excoriating her for being a leftcom
This is literally me lmao.
save your soviet rubles
It will rise again if we make it so comrade
This was literally Russell Bentley
Was his death ever confirmed? I saw people saying he died but I never saw like an actual confirmation if it was true or not.
IIRC his wife was petitioning the government to look into what happened. But I'm pretty sure he is dead. There were some gruesome details circulating about it which I do not recommend looking into.
Damn, don't know much about this guy but I've seen a few of his videos and from what I saw he seemed like a cool guy.
This is not welcome news
The Soviets shall rise again!
What was that tweet from a few years back which was something like "I have heard there's a good chance of a USSR 2.0 in the next five years"
Spoon rises
Communist Boomhauer is a good type of guy to invite to the BBQ
no more half measures walter
Oh this is my new favorite guy
I am who you say I am
I am in this picture and I like it.
can comrades help me imagine what a person like this might say? im rather unfamiliar outside of movie stereotypes
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