Find me anyone who actually holds this view?
Is this about the Druze kids killed when an iron dome interceptor hit a soccer field?
If this is about the Bedouin child who was injured in the Iran response, because Arab communities in Israel do not have easy access to underground bomb shelters, like Jewish Israelis do?
Is this about the Druze kids killed when an iron dome interceptor hit a soccer field
the zionists are so accustomed to seeking cognitive refuge in passive voice they can't even say kids are KILLED when they are lying about their enemies doing it
The mythical zionist that cares about the morality of killing any Arab children in any context
People were very outraged about October 7th when it happened 10 months ago. They are no longer outraged because after that, Israeli children stopped dying. While the children in Gaza are literally dying as we speak.
This is such insanity. Like, the one thing is actually currently happening, children are dying, present progressive form. The others aren't. Words mean nothing.
Am I correctly understanding that what she’s saying here boils down to “you are hypocritical (antisemitic) if you only care when children are killed in apartheid within the occupied zone, but not when they die of other causes in an imaginary region of Palestine that’s not under occupation”?
I think she's doing the "how come you only protest israel's violence but not [other violence]? " thing
Ah gotcha. In that case
Alright, with that out of the way, Eve Barlow, may I please continue voicing protest against the slaughter of thousands actively occurring right now?
Cool hand -style font...just hand write the damn thing you fucking losers.
"can't believe you'd stop that bully from beating the shit out of that kid, when there are (i guess, apparently) other kids getting bullied too"
did i get this right? fuck these losers
If you find one of these in the wild, you are obligated to use a sharpie to correct her name to Fartlow and write something to counter her bullshit in the blank space
Also black out the qr code so it doesn't work
what border?
I know it just means “non-Jew” and all but if I were you I’d stay away from using it in a title, too many bad connections
Yeah I really only see that talk on /pol/ and other far right spaces. It's definitely not the best term.
Adding a qr like it’s a verrit code
The imprecise grammar of the hack Fart also makes the point obscured; is she referring to "Arab Children" around the world? Across all borders? Because grammatically that's how it reads.
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