China will have to eventually abandon its "non-interference" policy. As shown, US/NATO don't just fight direct or proxy wars, they will do color revolutions and unleash their terrorists, Xinjiang and Pakistan will be hot spots if/when China moves on Taiwan. The CIA already has their terrorists in Pakistan killing Chinese engineers working in Pakistan.
i am wary of this rheotoric, i have heard on podcasts the ussr was extremely hesistant and critical of the soviet afghan governments killing of people, and despite stating so multiple times upon deploying soviet troops into afghanistan were unable to solve the issue and continued the mindless deaths of the people of afghanistan.
war is a crude form of politics, and another form of competition.
the contradictions from war waged by a socialist state will be many. i have heard it said socialism cannot sustain it self with weapons of war - that the steel of rifles barrels could have built bridges and incubators.
not to mention the foreign actors who wish to see the PRC collapse, we all know very well that the capitalist have the power to make mountains of ant hills
This is nominally the correct answer. The key fault that lied with the Communists of the former socialist Afghanistan they fell into ultra-left deviation of moving too far ahead of the Afghan people and attempted to force their people to move faster than they were willing from afar, leading to their masses becoming fertile grounds for reactionary religious fundamentalist sentiments to sprout and causing an unbroken vicious cycle of violent reprisals that would lead to the fall of Socialist Afghanistan and the weakening of the Soviet Union.
Material improvements are indeed one of the primary means of countering festering reactionary seeds, but the methods of application of ideology is another one as well. And currently I'm of the belief that China's currently pursuing, as far as we can generally see thus far, the correct course in relation to their own self-governance. Nevertheless I do hope they're paying close attention and have been working thoroughly to ensure the defenses of their western regions.
China will be fine. If they can survive in the 70s when they're completely surrounded by hostile countries they have border skirmishes with on top of being a bit of a pariah state, they'll be fine now.
They should have years ago but they wont. In the end even in the worst case and these terrorists do make it to China they'll treat it as their own internal affair, do whatever needs to be done and then have Xi meet with whatever dipshit is replacing Blinken and Yellen every few months.
China has been consistent. The best description I've seen is BRICS is not anti-west but rather non-west. They want to claim independence from western(US) influence and intervention yet they want to be treated as equals and be friendly. Sadly this naive idea is exactly what dominates right now and it is bound to fail no matter what.
Very deep questions need to be asked but they wont. China will do everything to keep the economic miracle going while crying US bad and doing nothing about it. Taiwan is a dead end issue given China's own technological development.
China maintains their current foreign policy because they learned from the mistakes of the USSR.
The USSR did the opposite of non-interference and actively tried to ferment revolutions or arm socialist orgs around the world. While this isn't a bad thing, it resulted in the Soviets overextending themselves and getting bogged down in proxy wars and a frankly unnecessary arms race with the US. When the Soviets went into Afghanistan to fight the US-backed Islamists, they lost far more than they gained, and the Afghan people ended up turning against them.
The collapse of the USSR and loss of the Cold War gave China much to reflect on, and ultimately, they fine-tuned their Marxist ideology to suit the post-Cold War Unipolar world. And it has worked for them thus far.
Whether they will need to fine-tune it again as we head into a multi-polar world still dominated by Neoliberal Capitalism remains to be seen.
It’s not so clear as that, I think. The USSR and the PRC both exported revolution / aided decolonial revolutions to some extent, but the USSR also attempted a policy of peaceful coexistence and in many cases was probably not as proactive as they could or should have been, often only reacting to the most egregious of aggressions from the U.S.
The longer they wait the weaker the west will be when it happens. The west us powered by capitlaism and well, there is this tendency for the rate of profit to fall over time.
good luck with that. China will stick them into a blender if they even try, as they should.
I know they're usually very measured about these things, but they need to erase these guys like they erased the cia proxy force parachuted into Tibet.
they'll erase themselves if they even bother showing up. While they've been off pillaging in Syria for a decade the Chinese government has lifted the standard of living in Xinjiang and tamped down on Uyghur separatism. Typically a would be independence movement needs to, you know, be active in the land and among the people they are purporting to represent.
If these guys think they'll receive a hero's welcome from the locals they'll be sorely mistaken, and the US isn't around in Afghanistan to funnel them support anymore. Hilariously their old friends in the Taliban will probably sell them out to China now for a few drops of aid money. It will look like some bay of pigs shit if they try to return in force. I doubt they will even try to leave Syria
Yeah the PLA mopped up the Tibetan CIA assets quick because they could not hide. Imagine being a typical liberated Tibetan serf seeing some lama failson trying to bring back slavery. Yeah it's reporting time.
They have a ceiling support of 45% (the percentage of Uyghurs in Xinjiang), so good luck with pulling off a separatist movement. But this is all talk. Put your feet in the shoes of these Uyghur jihadists. They could risk going through Afghanistan to get vaporized by the PLA or they could steal land from indigenous Syrians and set themselves up as Uyghur settlers like their Zionist masters. They're already stealing land since if they decide to squat in a Syrian's home, the Syrian can't exactly say no.
Bay of Pigs 2: boogaloo.
Afghanistan is an economically devastated pariah state. China should extend a helping hand and get Afghanistan back on their feet by economically and politically helping them. And when China does help them in this way, the Taliban will know what to do when they see a bunch of Uyghur jihadists trying to make their way to Xinjiang.
Xi's comically large blender
They will liberate the entire globe except Palestine. They are very "moderate" so they do not want people to think they are antisemitic or something.
Like a sort of Global Liberation Army?
Of course if they can whitewash the HTS', they can do just the same to these
I want to say China could kill everyone in that photo for $20k in FPV drones, but they also control 80% of the global drone market so who knows how cheap that would actually be.
China icing a bunch of CIA proxies for the price of half a ham sandwich and a handful of change, pocket lint, and a bobby pin they found in a parking lot.
Using the weapons developed in NATO's two decade global rampage. Foucault's boomerang will hit hard.
china would demolish them lmao what are they thinking
The US is paying them to harass China. If China overreacts the Us will pay them alot more and they might win so.ething in a little war
i am unfamiliar with what the current situation in the uyghur district in the PRC is, but i imagine if an individual takes the PRC at their word - and the living conditions are improved and the oppression the west has stated is no longer there/false, there must be a nonzero standing army/security force in the area composed of locals uyghurs whose rank & file have interests which are aligned with the PRC, and will be the frontline/intelligentsia who will oppose these "moderate rebels" and their attacks?
if the security force of ugyhurs fighting on the behest of the PRC in these districts exists to be the total number of soldiers in the region, it would be deeply de-legitimatizing to these religious zealot claims of liberation to the world who are not the running dogs of empire.
Xinjiang is around 45% Uyghurs and 42% Han. You don't even need a security force of just Uyghurs. Xinjiang isn't like Tibet at all. This was why Uyghur separatism didn't have much chance of succeeding. You're not going to pull off a separatist movement where the ceiling of support is 45% of the province.
ETIM barely had any support the first time, now it has much less.
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