[-] Angel@hexbear.net 5 points 4 days ago

[CW: Mentions of Homophobia/Misogyny/FGM]Whenever I ask carnists this question, I actually get tons of them saying "Eating dogs and cats is moral in places where it's culturally acceptable, but where I'm from, it's wrong because they're pets and not food."

To this, I always respond by saying "Okay, so in countries where homophobic violence is unfortunately a norm, is it socially acceptable? What about female genital mutilation? What about treating women as second-class citizens?" and despite me literally just taking their logic to its conclusion, I get some baseless "That's different tho!" as a response.

smh my head

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 8 points 5 days ago

If it makes you feel any better, I'm quite the bara connoisseur chefs-kiss

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 26 points 5 days ago


[-] Angel@hexbear.net 5 points 6 days ago

Under what pretext would any of you disagree with this?

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 33 points 6 days ago

woah your dad sounds like quite the gamer to me niko-wonderous

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 110 points 2 weeks ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but casually erasing the existence of anti-Zionist Jews seems pretty antisemitic to me.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 78 points 1 month ago

Treating a cis woman like absolute shit because she has certain non-feminine features? So, it was just sexism this whole time???

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 79 points 1 month ago

Lie about working towards progressive causes.

Get elected.

Do nothing progressive. Instead, obsessively back a genocidal regime.

Have liberals back you for re-election under the assumption that you ever gave a shit.

Drop out and fade into as much obscurity as you possibly can after all the horror you've caused.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 70 points 2 months ago

Trans and not voting for Joe gang trans-hammer-sickle


I won't give too many details because this internet interaction is deeply unserious, but I made a YouTube comment taking a jab at Trump, and someone responded to me with "Oh, yeah, but Biden's not any better about this, now is he?" smuglord

I said nothing about Biden. The YouTube video had nothing to do with Biden and all about Trump. Funnily enough, I agree with the user's comment because it's correct, but he feels inclined to state it under the assumption that I don't agree with it.

I'm somewhat shocked because I thought that, at this point, especially with Joe Biden being constantly criticized by the left for condoning genocide, people would stop using this tired, old WHATABOUTISM, but I guess YouTube comments have a very fucking low bar for this kind of shit.

Also, this person called Biden left-wing in his comment, so.............................


This is actually not shocking at all.

For those of you who don't know this man... [CW: Discussions of Racism, Klansmen, KKK Interactions and Symbolism]

submitted 4 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

This is the comment verbatim:

"To everybody that disagrees with this: do you grow your own food at home to ensure not a single crop death? If not, you’re not a perfect vegan either."

This was on a post on a "vegan" meme account that promoted "reducetarianism." Mind you, this person says they're a vegan!

HOLY SHIT! I'm baffled as to how you can be a vegan yet regurgitate one of the most overdone, shitty, level 0 (if I'm being generous) carnist talking points.

What factory are these people created in? How the hell are we supposedly adhering to the same ethics on animal liberation but view the matter on entirely different premises?

When I criticized this person, by the way, he told me to "stop infighting" because I'm "on the same side" as him.

insert Gus Fring "We Are Not the Same" meme

sleepi Carnists make me sleepy so I go nap


This one triggers the nostalgia hard.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 67 points 4 months ago

This is gonna create a "boy who cried wolf" effect for antisemitism.

Unfortunately, people are now gonna have a difficult time taking instances of actual antisemitism seriously, and that's really fucking sad.

submitted 4 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

I found out she's vegan through checking out her profile having the Ⓥ in her display name and her bio literally says (cut and paste):

"be kind to animals or I'll kill you"

end speciesism

Despite this, she is accusing me of anti-Semitism because I made a comment staunchly condemning Zionism, and when I wrote this comment that you see in the image, she didn't give a proper rebuttal. All she fucking said was:

of course you stalked my page 💀

The skull emoji is really telling.

It's like your average Instagram user is a bot produced in a factory where their brains have logic, reason, and reading comprehension skills extracted out of them.

submitted 4 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

Vegetarians who say this shit say they enjoy getting encouragement from vegans, but they actually just want a pat on the back and brownie points from susceptible vegans, not actual encouragement.

This is the greatest encouragement I can give them, but because it's in an "aggressive" tone, they love to say "You're the reason why people shy away from going vegan!"

Sorry to tell ya, but if some harsh words promoting the very ideological foundation of veganism are enough to discourage you, then you clearly don't have a plan to "transition" to veganism to begin with.

Imagine telling someone "You really need to stop being fucking racist." and then they say "Ugh! I'm working on it! You being so pushy makes me want to be more racist actually!"

The cheese rots into their brains apparently.


I found this sign posted on a store's building when I was on my way home from a job interview. No, that isn't my hand in the image; I had to find an HD version on a Facebook page for a company.

The most libshit thing you can do is disregard the paradox of tolerance because being open to fascists seems more inclusive at face value when, in actuality, it isn’t at all.

Equating the discomfort that BIPOC, religious minorities, women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, the disabled, and neurodivergent people go through with a chud feeling uncomfortable simply because he got dunked on for his trash takes is just sleazy as fuck to me.

In essence, yes, you can not and should not kick someone out of a facility simply for harboring certain political views, but the need to put said political views on the same level as the discrimination that all the above categories go through makes this one of the most transparently performative attempts at inclusivity I've ever seen.

The best thing to have done was to just simply leave "ALL Political Parties" off the damn sheet.


When a person of color, especially if they're black like me, affirms their support for causes such as queer liberation, feminism, animal rights, or socialism, I immediately feel that I can believe, with minimal doubt, that they're truly convicted and principled in what they're advocating for.

However, when a white person claims to support leftism, until my skepticism is proven wrong, I immediately assume they're a dishonest and performative libshit. I then proceed to interact with them with hefty amounts of caution. If my assumptions are proven true, I'm never shocked.

submitted 5 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

I am fed up, I am disgusted, and I am disappointed.

This account I formerly followed (huge emphasis on the formerly) on Instagram made a series of "Are you two friends?" memes. This was one of the slides, and I, as a black vegan, am extremely uncomfortable with how the owner of this account, a queer and polyamorous woman of color who is, in fact, a carnist spoke on a commenter's concerns about this slide in the picture.

First of all, as you can see, the very first responder, @petitearisu is doing the whole "Veganism is classist." or "Veganism is inconsiderate of BIPOC struggles." excuse to further their own funding of animal slaughter, which makes them carnist trash the same way, but it's @decolonizing.love's response that I want to get at the most.

I am a poor, black vegan. If you all have seen my posts about my struggles, you all know that I've been unemployed and relying on mutual aid support to get by for a bit. Not fucking once, did it occur to me that I'd ever have to fund animal slaughter to feed myself during these trying times. If I wanted something cheap, legumes, rice, pasta, mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits always had my back. None of that stuff is even remotely expensive, but as far as @decolonizing.love goes:


Because you are so upset that people show concern and moral agency for the cruel way animals are treated for the sake of human sensory pleasure, clothing, and convenience, your first response is to divert to making this about trees? What makes this whataboutism worse is that it's a false equivalence, and even then, it fails as a "dunk" on vegans.

False equivalence because respect for trees doesn't necessarily have anything to do with respect for sentient life, and it fails as a dunk or accusation against vegans because many vegans are extremely environmentally conscious, and as a matter of fact, you could argue that they're the most environmentally conscious. Animal agriculture is causing more harm to this planet than so many of the other dangers that performative environmentalists pretend to care about, but let's push this aside because this is just a small fraction of your pitiful comment. What I'm primarily concerned about is:


This is a classic carnist excuse. You accuse vegans of being pretentious to make yourself feel like they're not actually making a material impact to liberate animals. This is cope. This is just you coping with the fact that you cannot own up to your own shortcomings in the way you abuse animals for absolutely no damn good reason. It doesn't even solidify as an actual argument or any form of coherent rhetoric against veganism as a philosophy. It serves as ad hominem at best.

As a black vegan, your point about how BIPOC can "perpetuate white veganism's hypocrisy" concerns me. Just so you Hexbears know, I didn't respond to this comment on Instagram itself because I didn't want dozens of performative leftists dogpiling me over this shit. If I, as a leftist of color ever disagree with any of these people on anything, they'll accuse me of just what they're saying vegans of color can do: "perpetuating white hypocrisy". They'll call me a bootlicker and say I'm simping for white people when I'm fucking not. As a matter of fact, this association of "moral righteousness" they tie to being explicitly for white veganism is something I'd be the first to speak out against, and you know why?

A carnist of color is still a fucking carnist.

This is hypocritical of them, and it is to a strong degree. So much of this account is reminding white people that even whites who are a part of a marginalized group, such as gay white people, trans white people, white women, or neurodivergent white people, need to understand that they still hold a position of privilege that their whiteness puts them in. They really want to make it clear to these people that them being marginalized in ways beyond race does not excuse them being discriminatory, bigoted, or inconsiderate towards POC within similar struggles.

I agree with this, but are they not hypocritically engaging in the same thing? She is using her position as a queer woman of color to justify another form of oppression and hierarchical domination she just so happens to be okay with: speciesism.

And the audacity she has to label any pushback to this hypocrisy as a product of "white veganism" is disgusting to my black vegan ass.


As if you'd know what it means to "care about animals" when you're the one demonstrating how little you care about them. There are so many principled vegans who are white. Yes, this doesn't absolve them of the blind spots their white privilege may put them in, but as I said, you being a queer POC doesn't absolve you of the blind spots that your carnism puts you in.

Once again, this is nothing but an excuse to say that white vegans are not "truly" as morally superior as you think they think they are, but it has never been about "moral superiority" in and of itself. Veganism is something we do for the animals, and you all should do so too, especially if you give a damn about dismantling hierarchies. If you are to have an issue with this whatsoever, please kindly examine this issue internally rather than externally. Vegans are not the problem. You being unable to cease your carnism absolutely fucking is, though!


"There are more important issues to worry about!" may be one of the most disgusting copouts that oppressors use. This is done to drift away from the focus of an important issue within the scheme of oppression so that you can seem justified in not doing anything about it! News flash! You don't have to focus on a single issue at once! I'm a vegan, and as much as I care about animal liberation, you know what else I care about? I care about women's liberation, queer liberation, and uplifting people of color on top of dismantling capitalism and other oppressive and hierarchical structures! I talk about these individual issues where it's relevant, and that includes the fact that I talk about veganism where it's relevant.

Yes, veganism needs intersectionality, as all progressive moments do! But it's shameful that you're pretending to help with that. If you are a POC who isn't vegan, you have absolutely no trustworthy foundation to give a grand statement about veganism needing intersectionality. It doesn't impact you because, no matter how many vegans of color try to speak sense to you on this matter, I know for sure that you'd still stuff your face with carcasses and feel absolutely no fucking remorse in doing so.

At this point, non-vegan leftists are too much for me to put up with at all.

submitted 6 months ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/vegan@hexbear.net

When I realized how much sense this analogy makes, it explained to me full well why libs are as frustrating as they are to me these days.

[-] Angel@hexbear.net 72 points 6 months ago

Reddit has an insane amount of casual racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, and just about every other shitty, abhorrent form of chudiness you can think of, right in the open and getting heavily upvoted. It's a site that can really distort any decent person's perception of humanity. It can turn the most trusting person into a diehard misanthrope quickly. The site needs to be avoided at all costs. I would prefer it to just not exist at all.

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