Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
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"but the young people don't vote!"
I wonder why that might be
"we offered nothing different or substantial and they seem to not like us! wtf!"
we also do nothing to make it easier to vote, or stop gop from targeting ways the youth votes
It's literally worse than that.
"We actively explicitly told them we don't care about their concerns and we will not compromise with them at all, and also if they don't support us because of that it's because they're selfish and dumb." That's democrats literal message to young people.
"They're not smart enough to know they should vote liberal"
"Young people today want to complain about how bad they have it. Give me a break. No I'm serious, I have no sympathy."
Gee I wonder why the person who said that at a campaign event might have a hard time with youth support.
And if you bring this up liberals just link you a snopes article that says it's false that he said it and the first line of the article is "ok he did literally say those words in that order and it isn't out of context but he didn't mean it like that."
You weren't lying. Wouldn't have gone for the "you have so much social progress compared to my day" argument if I was
A. Born into wealth as a white man, and
B. Was a segregationist at the time.
But go off I guess
Yup that one and the snopes article saying it's false Biden tripped going up the stairs to air force one, he just "briefly lost his balance and fell forward" are super handy to have on hand if anybody ever tries to claim snopes is anything other than an explicit propoganda asset for the democratic party.