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this post was submitted on 16 Jul 2024
492 points (96.2% liked)
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Thankfully, it's not the commentary I was afraid he'd offered. JB sounds spineless in this, it was a joke and an honest expression of the very real existential fear people feel towards Trump rule.
I fucking hate this. Trump gets on mic everyday to wish death on some innocent groups of people but we're fucking forbidden from joking about it towards him?
Edit: I hope everyone who downvotes me gets very peacefully and nonviolently re-educated.
I think it's complicated a bit by the fact that this was said on stage at one of their shows. I think canceling the tour is a gross overreaction, but with the current political climate (even ignoring the assassination attempt) I can understand some hesitancy to proceed if anyone is going to be associating them with calls for political violence.
All that said... based birthday wish, fully agree with Gass's joke.
What joke? Hopefully the next person doesn't miss.
Agree. Absolutely not a joke. Former president has caused, is causing, and will continue to cause active violent harm to the country, but it's not appropriate to talk about how justified it is to stop him?
He's literally above the law now; there is no peaceful way to adequately deal with him in a timely manner. He, his conservative judges, and the republicans in power have backed the American people into a corner of violence.
He murdered thousands of people with a willful mishandling of a pandemic virus for stupid and shortsighted reasons. He is a mass murderer and terrorist who may become President again. And people are worried about fucking decency.
Politicians are always responsible for deaths of their constituents as an indirect result of their actions, it's just a question of how many. We set up legislative and judicial systems to address this question rather than relying on mobs and vigilantes. It's called living in a civilized society. It's not about decency, it's about creating a safe society we want to live in. Personally I don't want to live in the wild west where anyone with a gun can play judge, jury, and executioner; you may feel differently.
But I agree that the recent SCOTUS ruling is worrying, because it does appear to put the president above the law. As JFK put it, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable". Not good, not preferable...but inevitable.
I would have much preferred the government do it's job and protect us from this literal fucking comic book villain. But it hasn't happened, and it probably won't. So this is what happens.
Fighting Satan and kage getting anal raped by Satan: I sleep
Kage making a joke about a fascist dictator pedophile convicted felon getting shot: real shit
God teir cringe
I was with you right up until you used based...
Now I'm blocking you to cut down on the borked brain comments I see.
What a shame, you've contributed greatly to this conversation, you will be missed 🙏
from the party of "fuck your feelings":
hOw DaRe YoU jOkE aBoUt ThAt!!!!!!
“I wonder how Paul Pelosi is feeling.” Roaring laughter
Yeah, the time for civil has passed. The attempt of his life happened because no one is willing to do anything about him.
Reap what you sow by definition.
It closely echoes what I thought at the time. "Do not miss, or do not take the shot." As Yoda said, "There is no try."
One of the stupidest quotes in the history of quotes.
Agreed. I like it anyway.
Personally I was hoping for a heart attack. Did anyone think an assassination, successful or not, wouldn't just lead to a complete shit-show?
I was hoping the "excitement" of almost being killed would have lead to a heart attack, but who am I kidding? This is The Worst Timeline™ everything goes to shit and the absolute worst of us live forever and get everything they want...
Watch out, next time a bullet grazes him, he'll get superpowers instead
a shit show yes, but maybe less of a shitshow than a second term as POTUS.
To be honest. I think all famous people right now are preparing for the real possibility of a fascist dictatorship in america very soon.
They are trying to stay off of Trump's assassination list. If they stay in the mode of "we condemn violence towards trump" then trumps ego doesn't get hurt by them and they end up having a mysterious heart attack, drug overdose, or 3 in the back of the head "suicide"
JB has always been about softball though. It's part of what we like about him. He doesn't run anyone the wrong way. He's out to be inoffensive.
Yeah, this guy (Trump) vahemently opposed the largest American protest in our history. The idealogy he opposed was simply "black lives matter". He and his cronies vilified the entire movement by labeling the movement "Antifa", and making it synonomus with terrorists looking to destroy America.
He gassed his way through the middle of protesters and the very clergy of a church he visited to hold a Bible upside down, and later re-tweet a video about a golfer yelling "white power". These are fascist actions, and all while theoretically attacking "Antifa".
And now we're never supposed to even JOKE about him dying?
Fuck that, and fuck Trump.
Well there goes my respect for JB, is he a secret Trump supporter?
He’s a very popular actor/musician that isn’t looking to wade into any controversy that might damage his popular brand.
That's just so fucking rock and roll of him.
Some people are content to simply mind their own business. Not everyone is interested in the current controversy.
He did go to Biden's fundraiser in L.A.
I think he mostly doesn't want to get shot by angry Magats.
Just privileged and out of touch. You'd think he's a celebrity or something.
So you want the freedom to be like Trump?
Personally I'd rather no one had the ability to wish violence on others without consequence. But I guess to each their own.