A poster in Twitter called this ideology "Treatlerism" which i think it gets the point across, they care not from whence the treats flow, only that it flows
Wait, the treat meme gets used outside of Hexbear?
It originates with chapo trap house podcast iirc
Our large treat boy son was patient zero
Treatlerite particles.
Really hoping that trump actually goes ahead with his stupid plan to destroy the entire american economy
Intensely funny that Trump won because of rising prices, and his plan is to do the exact same thing, but on purpose and even worse.
You know the dems wanted to lost the election or they would be hammered down that tariffs = taxes
Folks we're doing 3rd worldism folks the ssettler ekkkonomy of the united ssnake$ of amerikkka will suffer like no other when my tarriffs are in place folks, just like what the late great j sakai ordered
amazing merch
my sides
I thought alleged artists, like, made them. By hand.
Won't somebody think of the drop shippers?!?!
How can I show my support to my favorite franchise if I have to pay $10 more for a pile of plastic?
Send money in an envelope to mr. disney frozen head, like the ancestors did it
Do I get treats in return?
First they came for the branded swag but I said nothing
Trump will tariff away funko pops
I hate it when broken clocks are based
say goodbye to plushies
Death to America
Wouldn't this massively increase the value of people's collections? Trump might pick up liberal supporters because of this lol
We will likely see the cost of goods from China go up generally speaking because of rising labor costs in China. Additional tariffs will only be half the story for why everything will get more expensive in the next 4+ years.
rising labor costs
cost of goods go up
I smile when I encounter the Labour Theory of Value
MFW people who argue that we should not raise the minimum wage or else consumer prices will go up ironically argue for the Labor Theory of Value.
Who the fuck denies LTV?
Capitalist mystics, aka libertarians, will often argue that there is no discernable basis for price. It's just whatever a seller and purchaser agree it will be. There's nothing else to know and no need to consider how or why prices tend towards a predictable level. Where do wages and profit come from and why some people get more than others? That's just personal morality reflected as value. Value is absolutely not the product of work.
They'll still also argue that increases in minimum wage necessarily result in corresponding price increases, completely forgetting that profits even exist. They'll also tell you that you don't understand basic economic ideas.
supply and demand fetishists
Death to America
Basically every economist, including 'Marxian' ones.
I think there will be some serious import undervaluation if such tarrifs were implemented.
Oh yeah, this crate of plushy animals totally cost 30 bucks
china export will collapse (on paper)
Yea that's the problem with trade controls without capital controls. You can still pay China pretty easily.
I guess Trump could expand the bureaucracy to catch mismatch between foreign currency transfers and trade but that will be "expensive" in that Government spending will go up.
you don't have to do any fraud. Tariffs don't harm the exporter and if it is still cheaper to import with the tariff than to produce domestically the company can pass the full cost of the tariff on to the customer, or even additional to obscure the actual cost now that they have cover.
I mean if demand is high enough one might make offshore companies to process payments in untraceable manner for 5 % (at least that's around legal rate i believe). I just pay shp2usa, they pay someone else, they convert money to euros and pay in singapore, and my stuff arrives with printed price 0.3 $ per pound, customs are a joke due to speed of process
Literally every time I've bought something of reasonable value from an Asian country the seller asks something like "what value do you want us to put on your import invoice?"
Yesterday, I was an "eccentric" for hording and repairing laptops instead of just buying New Chip every year. But when an i3 shitbox costs you $1000 dollars, who will be laughing then? WHO WILL BE LAUGHING THEN?!
Seriously though in a year you will not be able to afford a new computer so make sure you have something you can repair.
Imagine going to a convention and not being given post it note pads too small to write on and shirts that fall apart the first time you wash them. That’s Trumps America.
And nothing of value was lost
Oh there would be a lot of value in labor arbitrage being lost all right
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