The comic is good. The text for the post by OP is... strange.
Op works customer service, strange depressive behavior is to be expected.
I guess that makes sense. I couldn't do it myslef
Prob a millennial too, I didn't even think twice about ops post title.
Title: reference to the Fairly Odd parents meme "this is where I'd put my trophy... IF I HAD ONE"
Body: the witch sold something an is thus in customer service. Even though her profession appears to be cursing people, she found a way to feel horrible through work anyway
I feel like you're just jumping to conclusions from a simple statement
Thank you. Fuck low quality submissions. It means they got it somewhere besides the primary source.
Which means their theft at least didn't also cost the artist money for bandwidth.
So, the kid is trying to give her mom an extra 6 days by exploiting the curse. I suppose I should be feeling some profound sadness or something, but instead I'm confused. Isn't the kid really just prolonging her suffering?
Next you'll tell us that kids don't think logically about situations, particularly regarding the adults that they love.
Kids don't think logically about situations, particularly regarding the adults that they lo- shit! How did you do that?!
I thought so too but that's part of what makes it sad to me. I don't know if a kid would think about it that way, they'd just be so desperate for more time with their mom.
Maybe the artist didn't think about it that hard, I don't know.
Oof. Thanks for that kick in the feeling department.
i think witch is sad because its killing power is going to waste
2, 2, 3?, 3?! What is this shit?
What happened to 1, 2, 2, L?
It's evolving.
What happens if you get 2 necklaces and put the second one on 3 days after the first one?
My thoughts would be that she'll not make it through the night in any case. Having another cause of death waiting in the future doesn't mean the earlier ones aren't as effective as without. That's not how death works.
(And, actually, if she did somehow survive, the son caused her a guaranteed death date later.)
But of course it's magic, so all bets are off unless you know exactly what the rules are and how to lawyer it.
Well she did say the wearer will die 7 days later as a fact. If it didn't happen that means her curses don't work and she has no power.
That doesn't make sense at all. It could easily be some kind of poison curse that takes 7 days, that doesn't mean if they get stabbed they'll just be invincible, or if they die that the curse didn't work, it just means something killed them sooner.
It doesn't have to be an all powerful curse necklace that literally changes the entire universe to make you avoid death under all circumstances for the next 7 days.
Well the all powerful thing is kinda how curses work in fantasy settings usually. The witch says it'll kill them in 7 days so it kinda has to. Maybe the universe will find some easier way of achieving that. Like reviving her in the grave just to instantly die again or something.
Sorry, I’m a bit dense.
Is it sad because his mom is dying and he put the necklace on her anyway?
Or that the necklace will allow her to pass away due to her poor health vs. suffering?
The wearer will die in seven days, he's trying to get more time with her
Ah, thank you.
6 bonus days of being with mum, is what I'm going with.
My dad almost died of a massive heart attack 5 years ago. It was bad enough that we agreed to a ~~NDA~~ DNR after his 4th crash in the ICU. We joke that he heard us talking and said "screw that" because he didn't crash again and made a recovery.
He's now in the final stages of renal failure, and every extra day we got these last 5 years has been precious.
If you have family you love, go give them a hug. They won't be around forever, even if it feels like it sometimes
*edit: DNR, I'm dumb
And to add my own experience; if you have family you despise, don't worry. They'll outlive the heat death of the universe.
Truth. Coworkers too. The good die young and assholes live forever.
Did you mean a DNR? Or if NDA is correct, what does it stand for in this context?
Oh dang yeah DNR. Sometimes I'm a big ol dumb dumb
My first reading was fucked up, and that the kid is the cause of the death by giving her the necklace.
What's really going on is the necklace makes them die in 7 days. They had less than 1, so the necklace will actually keep them alive longer.
Boy and Mum, tears are bittersweet because they have 7 days to express a lifetime of love, but she will then die. Witch is either sad because curse is foiled, or she's got a heart and is affected by what the boy did for his mum.
Nice attempt at using the curse, but I see another possibility:
She dies that night anyway. Comes back undead. Is killed at the appropriate time for the necklace curse. Curse fulfilled.
What if you take it off and put it back on every day? Does the timer reset, or does it only work once per person?
IANAW but it should have been a potion.
Curse turned into blessing. Boy is a genius.
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