Declare full-scale war over work visas like a mega-Chad.
Be scared.
What a loser.
Declare full-scale war over work visas like a mega-Chad.
Be scared.
What a loser.
That's king loser to you...
You mean Adrian Dittman?
Nah, he doesn't have anything to worry about from 99.9% of the MAGA.
However, as we the losers of the class war have learned, it's the 0.1% that can get ya.
He's burned the left. He's burned the right. The only place left for him is Ohio and he deserves it.
Your hatred is completely justified but don't subject it to Elon Musk. If any state deserves it, it's Florida.
Can't we just do it properly and charge him with purjury on his citizenship papers, deport him and turn the company shares he owns over to the people who work at the companies, say divide them evenly by hours worked since he acquired the shares. So whether your a dock worker or an engineer, if you both worked 40 hours, you get equal shares.
Hasn't Ohio suffered enough!?
What infuriates me almost as much as chili on spaghetti is that the bowl is so full you can't possibly eat it without dropping cheese and chili all over the plate underneath and probably all over the table.
Tbf, that's what the second plate is for. 😅
Remember kids: always accuse others of what YOU YOURSELF are already doing, BEFORE they find out about you.
That way, when they try to unveil the actual truth, it just seems like they're being petty or reciprocating.
This guy is one of the most disliked/hated people on the planet. He earns more and more of that every single moment he spends spewing ever-more-awful shit into the world.
He's more hated than Bezos, which is saying something.
Most billionaires have the good sense of letting the people they hire to do the talking, do the talking. Elon doesn't, instead he publicly makes an ass of himself. He probably already overplayed his hand with the when he interfered with the budget and almost caused a government shutdown. If Trump thinks Elon is seen as being really the one in charge, Trump will sooner or later lash out at Elon, and now the seed has been planted.
It won't be "mysterious" at all. Perhaps the"autopilot" in one of his Teslas will mistake a set of railroad tracks for a road and drive him headfirst into an oncoming train.
And that would be a shame.
There's no way he's using one of his death traps, he knows the autopilot is unreliable, he's been fudging the numbers and reports and forcing it to switch off right before a crash since the beginning.
Guy who shoots up ozempic and god knows what else, suddenly dies, it won't be mysterious
Ozempic nearly killed my spouse. He's in a class action lawsuit against the makers of it now.
Ooc how? Working in Healthcare myself I've been anticipating the monkeys paw on that one for some time now.
He was taking it for his diabetes as prescribed by his doctor. Diabetics are prone to getting diabetic gastroparesis, which is caused by nerve damage to the muscles of the stomach which in turn causes delayed gastric emptying into the intestine. It turns out Ozempic causes gastroparesis and other GI symptoms. So it gave him the nerve damage, and when we were on vacation he got a near constant case of diarrhea, and got COVID on the way home to boot; thankfully we are extremely vaccinated so it was mild. But the diarrhea persisted and persisted, and he began to be unable to eat because of it, so he couldn't take his Ozempic. This ended up with him in diabetic ketoacidosis, a trip in the yee-woo wagon to the ER, and a 12 day admission. He was almost completely comatose when I came home that day and couldn't keep his eyes open or catch his breath.
Apparently lots of cases of what is called euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis turn up in the ER. And my friend who is a GP told me after I told her what was going on that she had had two patients with the same thing.
Interesting. Sorry to bother; sometimes I get too curious to remember that this isn't a medical curiosity to you and I didn't catch myself until after asking / reading. That is terrible and if you don't see some resolution to the health issues I hope you're at least able to find some justice. I'll also try to keep it in mind for the patients I see taking it. I don't see diabetes too much in psych but antipsychotics can increase the odds and I'm seeing drugs in that class prescribed more and more concurrently.
Oh I want people to know this happened so I'm glad you asked, it's not widely known about yet. The SGLT2 inhibitors are super popular for weight loss so this was unfortunately a bad outcome for a diabetic.
"It will be a guillotine," says guy supporting Musk by using his platform.
Guillotine, 6" ft of rope, a gun, polonium in whatever he drinks, I don't really care which way it happens.
Don't let the door hit your apartheid loving ass on the way out
The "nice knowing ya" part isn't mutual. Who ever shoots or stabs you doesn't have to be mysterious. The only way you will die under mysterious circumstances is when you go to prison for the sex crimes with minors you committed and you promise to snitch on your buddies, like Trump, and we all post "Elon didn't kill himself". But since the system is corrupt you probably will never go to prison for any of your crimes. So most likely you will bleed out in the street and there won't be anything mysterious about it, only joy. Because remember, Elon, there's no slaughter without laughter.
when you go to prison for the sex crimes with minors you committed
Esptein didn't go to jail for the sex crimes with minors. He went to jail because he got his Compromat stash raided and the folks he'd been blackmailing/extorting had had enough of his bullshit.
So most likely you will bleed out in the street
Elon will die an extremely old racist coot, surrounded by sycophants and die-hard cheerleaders, just like his predecessors Henry Ford and Sheldon Adelson. Maybe he'll die for a stupid reason, like Steve Jobs trying to cure cancer with fruit juice. But that's the best you can hope for.
I hope he is genuinely scared.
lets compromise here.
so who can build a mysterious guillotine?
Nah the guillotine builder must remain unknown and the guillotine just mysteriously appears.
Billions of dollars and he still needs endless attention. I assume the money was just a ploy to get more attention. Issues with his parents in childhood maybe?
Professor Plum, in the normal human sex room on musk's backup yacht, with the antique bludgeoning emerald.
Didn't VP Trump come out on his side already? Clearly President Musk has nothing to fear.
where are the date stamps... or fake musk memes are just now accepted as is?
With that being said... nobody would cry if Saint Luigi visited this parasite.
I'm thinking Elon never had a proper childhood, so he's in that phase now of getting out those playground taunts. Imagine having the supposed intellect, the power to pull people together to accomplish things, and the money to make it happen. And this is what he does now. What a waste.
Someone pointed out that no matter what Space Karen has or can buy himself, he will never be cool, and that's what gets his goat the most.
Please God let him die under mysterious circumstances. I'll take the fucking W when I see it.
When they remove all the legal levers of change, only extralegal levers remain.
i would be in favour of foregoing formalities and settling for a 'backshot' in front of a new york hotel
Date Created: June 21, 2023
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