submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by booty@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Previous years:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4


Population: 163
-Fortress is now a barony under Baroness Meng Lalturdeduk
-Baroness Meng Lalturdeduk demands stuff like an office and a dining room. So far her demands have been met with laughter.
-Child menace Zulban Mountaindances in a months-long depression after a half year of wanton murder.
-Military crumbling under the light pressure of occasional Forgotten Beast attacks from the caves
-Necessities still seem to be stable
-Read the year 4 post if you want to hear someone who knows how the fortress works talk about it. I barely found my way around lmao

File here


To Queen Olin Estilaban

The dwarves of Roomtheaters have had a harrowing year. I arrived with a group of migrants in the spring, and found that the fortress had been taken over by a strange dwarf calling himself Emperor Edzul. When I arrived, he was overseeing an operation to locate gold in the depths of the earth. When gold was finally located, it was within a deep cave teeming with vicious monstrosities. The military was sent ill-equipped, and it is only thanks to the fragility of these flying cave pests that no one was seriously harmed.

The gold plundered from this dangerous cave was then promptly mixed with copper, and from the resulting alloy this so-called Emperor minted coins. He proclaimed these rose gold pieces to be the official currency of Roomtheaters. I later learned that he had upset an Elven caravan by offering them goods made from animal bones. Perhaps his obsession with currency stems from this?

Edzul (I will no longer be using his assumed title), now satisfied with our stockpile of rose gold coins, turned his attention to another unusual endeavor. It was on the 9th of Hematite that he began to erect a wooden building--like the ones humans live in!--on the northern hill in some misguided attempt to promote positive relationships with other peoples. Every day that eyesore grew taller, The Ochre Tower he called it, and now it teems with foreign visitors. Edzul (if that is his real name) claimed that its genius would be acknowledged by future generations and that the tower will only grow taller, that some day a dwarf shall stand atop it and see no higher point in any direction. I say any fool who tries that is going to start a useless war with elves after cutting down all the available trees.

On the 20th of Malachite, the true danger of the deep cave in which Edzul found his precious gold became apparent. A horrific beast called Geb Gemeshikthag, an evil creature made of snow, emerged from the depths of the caves. Though it was soon slain by a troglodyte, it was a sign of what was to come. Ever since that day, we have been plagued by regular incursions of evil primordial beasts. Our already minimal military has been steadily chipped away, and as I now write to you it is in a dire state.

On the 18th of Limestone, a Dwarven caravan arrived, and Edzul purchased everything they had with stacks of those coins. This was the caravan which accompanied your liaison, the one who offered to turn Roomtheaters into a proper barony. Edzul must have thought it was amusing to designate the nearest newly-arrived stoneworker as baroness. Nevertheless her fellow dwarves accepted her appointment, so you may be displeased to know that Edzul never ordered proper noble accommodations for her. She still eats and sleeps in the same conditions as the rest of us.

On the 20th of Limestone, another ongoing issue with this fortress became apparent. A child named Zulban Onolmatul, the ten year old daughter of the Captain of the Guard, went on a rampage. After toppling a workstation, she murdered a siege engineer in blind rage. On the 22nd of Sandstone, a brawl broke out in the crowded temples near the surface. Several people were killed, mostly dwarves. No one can give a straight answer regarding why the brawl began. I suspect the same child's wanton violence may have been the spark that set it off. On the 6th of Timber, the child's rampages were finally acknowledged and she was convicted of nineteen counts of disorderly conduct and one count of vandalism. And yet, still she roamed free, with no plan to prevent this from happening in the future. Of course it did, on the 22nd of Timber, when she beat the engraver Ineth Loloklid to death. I believe this event (and the truly grisly state of the corpse) may have finally affected the child, because ever since she has been in a deep depression. There have been no further outbursts. Maybe it's just the winter cooling her temper.

In the final days of winter, this Edzul announced his sudden departure. So I write to you in the hopes that you can send a better overseer by the time spring arrives. We need a strong administrator, who can revitalize our military. We need a skilled engineer and architect to design expansions to the fortress, including proper quarters for our baroness and defenses in the caves below. We need a dwarf who can keep our people safe from threats internal and external, who can resolve a child's murderous urges without allowing her simply to remain in a deep depression. I have no doubt that such a dwarf can be found, and where are they needed more than here?

—An anonymous letter from a concerned citizen of Roomtheaters

Other comments:

—The two southern guildhalls on elevation 40 are requesting upgrades to grand guildhall.

—If you're as silly as I am, you should add a few floors to The Ochre Tower on the hill to the north. It doesn't have to all be inn, go wild.

—Of course it is expected that the new standard Roomtheaters rose gold currency be respected.

Seriously focus on the military things could get bad quick

Unaddressed comments from previous player:

—We are getting more artifacts, and I haven't done anything to secure them. A vault or something might be good, especially since we're letting all these visitors in more or less unimpeded.

—Bedrooms have been addressed, at least for now. I've not been putting cabinets in, hoping that that clears out old clothes rather than letting these guys hoard them in a very egoist way. Further expansion, or plans to do so, is probably warranted though.

—The entry footbridges have cage traps but need weapon traps to really do damage.

—We may want to tap the stream for a water reservoir we can contain in the fort.

—Choose a dwarf to nickname for yourself!

—Dig! What could possibly go wrong?


Hello to my fellow Americans, hope you are making the most of your long weekend. I finished my BG3 playthrough as "The Dark Urge". I think the Urge origin character is a very fun playthrough, and enhances the story a bit because now your character is intertwined with the main villians, rather than just some guy who happened to also be on the Nautaloid. I also used this playthrough to experiment with different playstyles, and I gotta say, having 2 paladins in your party is OP. Hope everyone is having a safe weekend


hello everyone and welcome to the virtual tour! i'd just like to show everyone what we've been doing on the server and what's to come

let's start off with the developing town of Serygrad/Chapograd/Whatever the fuck they are going to call it! this community is being built literally from the ground up by none other than master architect and engineer @Seryph@lemmygrad.ml @LittleSery

say hi Sery!

it currently has half a train station, a full library, a functioning depot and two gay parrots! i cannot wait to see how this place turns out

this is the first of our trains. this one connects Serygrad to the town of Shadehaven. let's take a ride. ALL ABOARD!

enjoy the first-class amenities in our one-car train and relax as the centrally planned rail system efficiently takes us to our destination

along the line, we have a cute little picture to mark the city limits. hi Lenin!

welcome to Shadehaven Station!

enjoy the gothic ambience of our first-ever train station

right outside the station, the cherry trees accentuate the gothic vibes of the city. it's truly beautiful at night if you get past the gangs of roving phantoms trying to murder you

this is Shadehaven! it was originally built from the bones of a village into the sprawling behemoth it currently is (#5 if you want to be exact),

entirely because of the efforts of the dedicated community. everyone on here is a legend and i appreciate them immensely

the users on this server are so talented, bringing technological advancements that blend the virtual and real world. hi @ashinadash@hexbear.net!

it's seriously so impressive. is there any limit to what we can't d- oh. fuck off.

anyway. this is our town square! i love coming back to town because it's such a relaxing atmosphere

can you believe this started out with like 3 villagers and a witch?

the natural build gave us a leg up and the infrastructure they left us has been built upon and improved immensely

i love this place.

we even have a castle! obviously the crown jewel of our town, it is a majestic beacon of progress

oh. @PurrLure@hexbear.net please explain this.

inside you can hear the groans of a villager and some kind of animal. this fucking sucks.

why are you here, you dweeb? just leave. fuck off

maybe it's not all bad. you know what they say, behind every closed door is

a stinky mule.

and that concludes our tour! time to rest outside my cabin. i'm just gonna sit here and ignore the fact that all of that bullshit is literally down the street from me


the server is intended for hexbear and lemmygrad users. to get on the allow-list and get the ip, just dm me. i do a quick vetting of acct so if ur acct is new or ur a lurker you’ll have to wait while i figure some stuff out (ill update this post when we’re accepting new users and lurkers)

the modpack were using is here

thank you to the owner of the server for being so generous and hosting us! and thank you to the two users who worked on the modpack!

happy minecrafting gaymers!!

submitted 2 months ago by moondog@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Feel free to join up. We play with digital tools which mean you don't need to own any cards in real life to play. Link is open for next 7 days, if you see this post after then, send me a DM for a fresh link. https://discord.gg/7uwdVZCp

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by blakeus12@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

For those of you who don't care, I promise this is the last post about this. All further discussion can be relegated to the matrix space.

Matrix Space: https://matrix.to/#/!tyfTFjggYNboCPZPKo:envs.net?via=envs.net

The main base isn't anything special, at least for now, but it's enough to protect from the main planet's frequent boiling storms. If any comrades need to be picked up, you can use the S.O.S. channel in the matrix space. All four stars are yellow, so no special hyperdrives are required to traverse the whole federation.

Portal Coords:

Hexadecimal Transcription: 4 0 6 E F E F B 4 9 1 3

Atlas Transcription: Tepaavpe Dipedigu Teudzago

Feel free to join us! No other planets except the main one in System Alpha have been discovered, so feel free to name them how you wish, and build small outposts, huge bases, or anything in between! I can't wait to meet all of you in our marxist-leninist space commune!

astronaut-2 astronaut-1

edit: thank you for the pin! heart-sickle

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by BeamBrain@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

EDIT: Holy shit thanks so much whoever made the $19.17 donation

submitted 4 hours ago by ShinkanTrain@lemmy.ml to c/games@hexbear.net
submitted 17 hours ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

A reply someone sent to me a while ago that annoyed me enough to respond. The vibe I got was: “Dune Spice Wars is just a palette swap of Northgard” with the implication that the devs are lazy and greedy for developing a game that is extremely similar to their previous game (asset flipping, I guess).

I hadn’t played Northgard at the time, but did watch the trailer. Northgard was on sale recently, so I gave it a shot after having played a bunch of Spice Wars.

Because this has bitten me in the ass a few times on hexbear, here’s a short list of things I’m not arguing in this post: Game Publishers aren’t using DLCs or low effort new games games as low labour sources of profit. Obviously, this is the case. Artist and programmer hours down, IP rent up is endemic to the games industry. The devs are “good”. I actually have no idea, I just think this particular charge was unwarranted. Dune: Spice Wars or Northgard are good. Idk, I’ve enjoyed at least one of them These are the two most different games, nay, nouns in human history. They are not. Idk why, but in my region of the world “completely different” gets used for “actually very similar, but legally distinct”. Comes up a lot in these sort of nitpicky nerd circles Devs are always right, publishers/critics are always wrong

Here is a short list of ways in which the two games are similar: Same engine Same genre (so, trad RTS, selecting units, giving them orders, building up an economy to ensure a healthy supply of units to defeat opponents in a roughly similar situation to you) Region-based mechanics (building limits, buffs, privileged starting zone etc) Diplomacy mechanics Variety of victory conditions rather than hunting down every last power plant

Having now played at least some of both, these games feel substantially more different than many other pairs of games from similar devs that don’t get targeted like this. The main differences I’ve found: What players spend a lot of their time doing. Northgard heavily preferences micromanaging of the core unit (peasants), whereas Dune feels more like a trad RTS with Northgard characteristics. Northgard feels more like a village building game that also happens to be an RTS. Personally, I find the removal of peasant micromanagement a substantial improvement and one of the more annoying aspects of Northgard (especially annoying because it takes up a lot of the game) Mechanics present in Northgard are tightened and simplified substantially in Dune. This makes sense as Dune comes after Northgard and the devs have had time to hone down what worked in Northgard. For instance, scurrying around with scouts and trade relationships in Northgard is now just a single interface in Dune where you can manage your relationships etc. This does make relationships with other factions in Dune a little bit simpler, it’s not necessarily “better”. Different resources. Obviously, the relationship with these and things you actually do can change with a button, but neither are just “Money” and “population”. They both have these, but Dune Spice Wars isn’t being accused of being a palette swap of Age of Empires or Act of Aggression. No permanent Alliances: My experience with Northgard’s diplomacy was everything generally felt more permanent, whereas Dune has much more ebb and flow (as well as a limited set of hostile actions you can perform on allies). There can also only be one winner per match (two minds about this personally, I like allying with my friends and stomping on the computer, but it does change the diplomacy part of the game a lot). Less factions, greater faction differentiation. Given Northgard’s bread and butter was making lots of small DLCs with minor player factions, I feel like making a different game with both less factions but more content per faction is important.

Beyond those, there are a lot of smaller changes that it would be weird to go over. There’s a couple of mechanics that are sorta tacked on (e.g. the Landsraad council/influence stuff) that are different, but I hope you get the idea.

I have played a lot of different RTSes and I would say that mechanically these two games are more different than C&C and Tiberian Sun, or C&C and Red Alert (two pairs from the pre-DLC times), Age of Empires and Age of Empires 2 (an example from another developer), Medal of Honour 1 and Call of Duty 1 (a pair of games from different developers with two different engines) etc.

I don’t really know why this annoyed me so much that I had to make a post. It might be touching on an extreme anti-DLC reaction that seems to want every single game to be entirely new despite most studios not having the resources to hire a network engineer every time they want to make a new game. The idea that a group of artists might commission a game engine (big, expensive, requires network engineers etc) and then write stories in that game engine (small, cheap, within reach for a group of artists) and not starve is apparently obscene.


Quite a good breakdown by Laura Kate Dale of Nintendo's handling of recent games featuring playable women characters from franchises usually headed up by men i.e. recent Peach game and upcoming Legend of Zelda game featuring the titular Zelda.

Featuring such Aonuma bangers as:

If we have Princess Zelda as the main character who fights, then what is Link going to do?

The triforce is made up of Princess Zelda, Ganon and Link. Princess Zelda is obviously female; if we made Link a female, we thought that would mess with the balance of the triforce - that's why we decided not to do it.

We feel like what takes priority is this idea of gameplay. If it turns out that particular gameplay we're trying to bring to fruition would be best served by having Zelda take that role, then it's possible that that could be a direction we could take.

i.e. Zelda has featured exclusively MANLY gameplay up to this point btw




My friend brought it over to chill with and ite fuggin awesome.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Evilphd666@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

freeze-gamer come get some cheap slop from a decent studio.


Recently picked up Slay the Spire on my phone so I could play it on a long car ride and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Will probably pick this one up as well.


No real spoilers. Pretty cool and insightful for someone who's only played a bit of Xenogears (disc 1) and some of Xenosaga 1.

Xenoblade Chronicles always looked interesting to me but I didn't have a Wii. The later entries in the series from the looks of it lean heavy into the Shonen look with weeb fanservice.

Skyrim Intro Brainrot 2 (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 day ago by Tervell@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
submitted 1 day ago by Tervell@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
submitted 1 day ago by abc@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

our homes.

No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing...Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin.

I coveted that wind, I suppose.

no other incarnation of Ganondorf has ever been this cool. Wind Waker my beloved...

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by doublepepperoni@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

In the sense that nothing about the architecture or art really evokes Japan at all other than that it looks vaguely Asian. (Some bits feel more Chinese than anything.) This is a big budget 2020 game with art done by contracted artists from all over the world, you'd think they'd be able to get a little closer than this, especially with how overexposed Japanese culture has been for a long while now

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by SorosFootSoldier@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

VOTE TRUMP! trump-anguish

Classic (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by barrbaric@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Interesting video, sadly the presenter is a frustrating liberal who refuses, whether out of sincere belief or optics concerns, to condemn NATO. Also uses fun phrases like "when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7th".

Edit: also the "call to action" at the end is laughable liberal claptrap. There is no stopping the military from doing something so long as the games industry exists under capitalism, because the military has INFINITE MONEY to tempt people into working for them.

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