Last year they estimated that it could be around 186,000 - this seems much more conservative, and it's many months later. Any idea why?
Pretty much the same shit happened in Alberta with the forest fires last year. Budget cuts followed by devastating fires. Whoops we have no money because we gave it all to fossil fuel subsidies.
Mainstream media in Canada is glossing over the role of far-right
They would never ...
I remember seeing an edited video of Bonnie Henry saying "I think we're in a good place now" before subsequently removing masking requirements and covid restrictions, and it was repeated on about five different occasions when they would walk masking/restrictions back, then re-enforce them, then walk them back again, then reinforce them, wave after wave, etc ... I guess we are not currently in a good place. Give it a couple months.
But we sell it to them for cheap anyway. Canada is the #1 source for oil that yankees buy, and our dollar is worth less than 0.70 USD right now.
An alternative is needed
I've read that there's something of a surge of cases in China and people are (maybe understandably) freaking out due to covid-19 PTSD.
It's hard to read the pulse because I feel like before covid the media were more than happy to jump on the PANIC!!!!!!1 bandwagon to drum up viewership, but now post-covid we can't be letting the poors get any ideas that going to work might be dangerous, and the line of course must always go up so we'll probably just need to wait and see.