Shit like this is red meat for antisemites who can point to it and be like well if Israel lies about what Hamas is doing to babies, then it lied about the holocaust too.
Killing every victim of the Holocaust a second time
Weirdly enough I'm seeing zionists run though the same deep defense playbook as holocaust deniers where every time they fall back, it betrays that they know they're lying, eg:
Israel doesn't bomb hospitals,
and if they did it was an aberration,
and if it wasn't, it's because Hamas was under the hospital,
and if they weren't it's because Palestinians attacked first,
and if they didn't, it's because they deserve it for living in squalor while Israel made the desert bloom"
I’ve already seen this from a hotep guy I work with :/
If they had any balls at all they would say they also ate the baby, you know they want to. I can feel the restraint that went into this, it was right there. I get the strong impression that some variation of the phrase "let's keep that one in the back pocket" was used.
Palestinians 🤝 Chinese People
Being accused by fascists of being cannibals to dehumanize you.
While they're being bombed, no less.
Dropping a 500 lb bomb on a building, then sifting through the rubble for dead babies so you can blame Hamas. Absolute Evil in a nutshell.
Also, famously, Jewish people.
next week
Hamas did inhuman surgery on a baby and made the eraserhead baby real
GOOD post
it was me. i was the baby. now i'm a fucking pizza.
still support hamas???
This is real guys. The IDF provided evidence this time. NSFL:
Wait, is the villain in that flash movie a baby microwaver?
I believe this film clip is reversed. I haven't seen the movie but I vaguely remember commenters talking about an action set piece where during an explosion Flash uses a microwave to protect a baby, and this is the scene after where he opens it and takes the baby out unscathed
I heard that they put babies in blenders
and like blended them
I have no source but it seems about right
oh it turns out to be false? well the fact that i believed it really says a lot about how evil hamas are.
Meanwhile, in the real world, an actual Israeli war criminal admitted to his group decades ago during a cleansing campaign of trying to force a Palestinian father to stick his kid in an oven, beating him when he refused and doing it themselves, and then sticking the father in after his child.
word is the baby was trussed, had an apple in its mouth, and was surrounded with fresh root vegetables and herbs in a roasting tray.
hamas has set up multiple murals purely to deceive innocent israeli children into thinking they are entrances to the massive underground tunnel network connecting hospitals to acme bomb factories. children are dying and nobody is doing anything.
What the media didn't mention about the original assault by Hamas was the numerous anvils dropped from paragliders. I saw one report that an entire family was killed by a piano as well. Who funds Acme?
The terrorist was reported to have a steel sword for men and a silver sword for monsters
the grisly scene was discovered in a house made of what appears to be gingerbread (possibly :halal:)
Fucking hell. Jewish people should know better than to literally post blood libel. It's the lowest conceivable bar.
Fuck this is depressing.
Never get a hamas-looking babysitter. And do not let her cook a turkey for dinner while stoned.
I've heard that Hamas has poisoned the wells to spread disease and pestilence, and that they are drinking the blood of babies in satanic rituals.
The only sensible reaction is to murder every Palestinian child with white phosphorus.
poisoned the wells to spread disease
Haganah actually did this against Palestinians in 1948 using iirc typhoid
It's weird how many of the accusations about Oct 7 seem to be stolen directly from atrocities committed by the Israeli side. This one of putting a baby in an oven is extremely close to accounts from Zionist militants about the Deir Yassin massacre, there were also claims circulating a few days ago about an unborn child cut from a pregnant woman that were directly lifted from an account of the Sabra and Shatila massacre.
I can't quite understand why they would do that rather than fabricate things out of whole cloth if there were a plan to manufacture atrocity propaganda, it wouldn't be any harder and would look less absurd than stealing that trauma.
I can't quite understand why they would do that rather than fabricate things out of whole cloth if there were a plan to manufacture atrocity propaganda, it wouldn't be any harder and would look less absurd than stealing that trauma.
I'm thinking it's down to the fact that most reactionaries are just not creative people in general.
Every day I begin to understand how Israel became a country of "one of the good ones."
Does anybody have a "baby accusation list"? Like a list of all the accusations that are lobbed against the enemies of the us empire, as relates to what they do to babies. Thinking here of Iraq incubator stoty too
You'd have to start with Belgium in WW1, the root of hysterical consent manufacturing anglo atrocity propaganda.
Anyone who belives this has no critical thinking. What is the tactical value of baked babies?
+15 health regen
With what fuel?
Believe it or not, more babies.
I hear Hamas uses the blood of Christian children to conduct rituals and summon Satan.
'His group' meaning the entire organisation that he is president of, not as in fellow ambulance crew members. An organisation that actively collaborates and trains with the IDF.
This tweet is literally "A guy I don't know said that a guy he doesn't know said that.."
Hamas also shit my pants on Oct 7, they need to be stopped
So did the Israeli first responders only arrive last night or did they arrive earlier and just decide to not speak or do anything for three weeks? Either way that sounds like a bit of a logistics mishap.
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