[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 1 week ago

Whenever someone asks that, I say the following:

click here for a list of communities that are NOT politics, tech, or meme -related.

Most are currently active (except for the ones with a * which were less active last I checked)












click here for a list of meme communities


Most of these are currently active. (except for the ones with a * which were less active last I checked). Sometimes politics sneaks in but that's not the focus.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

click here for a list of non-news/politics, non-tech, and non-meme communities.

These are currently active (except for the ones with a * which were less active last I checked)












[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 2 weeks ago

So there's a formal/professional approach and there's an informal approach.

Formally, there are fields like Risk Management aka Risk Analysis; in these fields there are various frameworks and approaches for things like threat models and risk assessments. This is more than most of us need.

Informally “this is what I want to protect myself against” is indeed a good way of thinking about it. You can write something up for yourself, or you can just think it through. If the threat model helps you use your time / resources wisely, then it's a good threat model.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 3 weeks ago

I have this kid relative. Whenever they visited, I'd take out a portable whiteboard and draw mazes for them. Then I'd have them draw mazes for me. Ofc we'd play lots of tic tac toe. Sometimes I'd write word puzzles, or math puzzles. (i.e. simple addition problems) Then I'd have them write some math problems for me. ofc they'd write huge numbers for me to add and I'd pretend I was confused and bewildered and I'd count on my fingers to solve them. It was just to have fun. It didn't involve a computer but it got them thinking, and now that they're older they like math. It's important that you emphasize the fun parts.

I'd open up a computer with them and we'd look at stuff together. I'd say: "that's like the part that thinks. that's like the part that remembers. that's like the part that remembers a LONG TIME" etc. Then we'd look at the patterns on the circuit boards, etc. For Science Fair they did a project called "Will it Boot?" We took a computer, they opened it up, and removed the hard drive. Then we asked "will it boot?" and turned it on. Then we replaced the hard drive and removed the RAM and asked "will it boot?" and turned it on again. Etc. I took pictures of them opening the case, we made a table of what the PC could boot without, printed a diagram that I downloaded of the part names, put it all on a posterboard and that was the Science Fair project.

This is your kid, right? Severely limit "tablet time" but don't worry about it being in their life -- back in the day we had TV which was not much better, and it's important that the kid have some knowledge of mass media to talk about with their future classmates. But tell them they can take it apart and put it together again whenever they want. And if it accidentally breaks when they're doing that, then sincerely congratulate them ("your first unsuccessful experiment!") and immediately head out to buy them a new one. Just get an inexpensive box that you can put Linux on. Easily. Like, let them put the USB stick in and boot it, and tell them what to press. (ahead of time, try to make sure it'll work!) (tell them "it's just a toy now, but we'll turn it into a REAL computer!") Then point Firefox to youtube and look up a video or something. Make sure the PC is somewhere public where you can see it too. Hang out and watch what they're doing, watch what they're watching. Talk back to the show. Make jokes about the show and tell the show when you don't like it. Come up with fanfic ideas. Me and my fam came up with this awesome alternate-reality Pokemon world and role-played it, resolving battles with "rock paper scissors" oops gotta go.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 15 points 1 month ago

the maga one is also deep-fried

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 1 month ago

My other trick was, at a party, to sit in a big easy chair and slowly fall asleep while looking at someone I liked. it's a trick I learned from a cat.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 2 months ago

There's an argument to be made there but this article did not make that argument. This was just a poorly-reasoned romp through a garden of logical fallacies. I'm surprised that this was printed by The Atlantic, I thought they were better than that.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 14 points 2 months ago

One time for work I was sent to give a presentation and they put me up in a really pricey hotel. The people at the front desk were so smiley and cheerful like seeing me was the best moment of their lives. It totally freaked me out. Then I realized: this must be how it is for rich people, with folks always smiling at them like they're awesome. I wanted to say: you don't have to be that way with me, look at me, my luggage is held together with duct tape and I still look like a grad student. But I didn't say anything bc it probably just would have made things even more awkward.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 15 points 2 months ago

"There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time." Jane Austen

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 16 points 3 months ago

Tell your boss to DELAY in making the decision, then to DENY uhc, and if uhc complains then DEFEND the decision.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 15 points 3 months ago

I think that's the brother-in-law (also murdered) and the sister (mad bc you murdered her husband) too, right? The consigliere's out cleaning up the fallout from all the murders, and the guy in the doorway I think was murdered bc he betrayed you. Need to make new ~~murder victims~~ friends!

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 15 points 4 months ago

This is a great time for European labs to advertise any open positions.

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