Free speech is very important to me, so I appreciate the hesitation you showed before preemptively defederating from those commies
Hexbear banned me because they were constantly policing my language
Yes I called someone a very serious racial slur and made an analogy about Trump fellating Putin to demean both of them but I don't see why that's relevant
I don't understand why those redfash tankies won't even allow us the freedom to use slurs online. Haven't they heard of freedom of speech?
Those "leftists" don't understand the most basic tenet of democracy: once gamers can't say the n-word openly, our system stops functioning.
So much for the tolerant left! Slurs and calling for genocide based on race and/or religion is called FREEDOM, tankie scum!
Hexbears really are a sad, strange lot. They worship Putin and Stalin and will ban anyone questions their favourite totalitarian dictators, and yet they claim to be LGBT (as if the soviets wouldn't arrest them for being gay).
I am convinced they are either bots or trolls
They're actually conservatives pretending to be left.
You can tell because they can't keep the act up for more than 5 minutes before they start bashing liberals/democrats.
I met a hexbear once, they yelled "death to all whiteys", pulled down my pants and pushed me to the oncoming traffic
A Hexbear once told me that Pol Pot did nothing wrong and everyone who wears glasses deserves to die, and a bunch of other Hexbears agreed.
conspicuous absence of a link
not the least bit surprised tbh, they post memes making fun of "binoclards" almost daily
going to the chinese embassy to demand payment
I fuckin wish
I thought I've seen the last of it but apparently not XDDDD
I joined lemmy.balls to expose myself to unbiased good faith opinions and every time I engage with hexbear people I get called a shill for empire and they post images of a pig defecating, I am not even sure what it is supposed to mean. It is a sad state of affairs that they are one of the largest instances on lemmy, they are poisoning the well with their authoritarian apologia. If it wasn't for (I don't know what to put here actually..) I would just go back to reddit.
I'm as far left as it gets, but when I see those tankie Putin lovers, it makes me want to kill all the removed removed and secure a future for my white children
Also being linked to a pig with poop on its balls is a hate crime against me personally and I have reported it to the FBI's Cybercrimes Division
A hexbear user's entire existance is in bad faith. When I try to tell them to stop trolling, or to stop stanning authoritarian regimes, they send me a picture of a pig pooping on it's balls.
I just don't understand tankies. They worship authoritarian dictators like Lenin, Marx, and Stalin, who each on their own, have killed more people than Hitler.
Like I get it, socialism sounds good in theory but it has never worked in the real world. I mean I'm as far left as they come but even I can see that if you try to do socialism, it always ends up becoming fascism, just by a different name. Real socialism is the Nordic model and we should be striving for that, I think. It's a tried and true method that obviously works. I tried talking about what Norway and Sweden are doing to one of those hexbear users and they just typed a wall of text about some dumb made up shit about the "global south", whatever that is. I've never heard of that term until I talked with them and I've taken several econ and political science classes at school.
Anyway, I think it's best we defed from them so we can focus on more important things like getting Kamala elected.
Good. I'm as liberal as they come but those people are removed. The way they praise the CCP and deny the Ughyr genocide makes me pretty sure they're kids who had too much Tiktok. They even support Russia because they think it's still the Soviet Union!
Sorry sweaty, Russia is as commie as it gets really, it's a dictatorship that hates gays and Jews, and their supreme leader Putler is currently trying to invade Europe to recreate the USSR. It ticks all the communist check boxes. I'm disgusted to even say that, but the Hexfash are correct this time.
Very sad to see the necessary price to pay for our free speech to uncritically amplify state department propaganda
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the hexbear lot
All they do troll and send pictures of a pig pooping on itself
THEY CALLED ME LIBERAL!! And then sent me a PIG pooping on ITS BALLS GOOD riddance to bad RUBBISH
A bunch of hexbears forced me to drink milk while chanting MILK BOY MILK BOY SHIT YOUR PANTS MAKE HIM DO THE MILK BOY DANCE
And nothing of value was lost. Cheers to our tireless admins.
One of these dastardly hexbears put a delicious pie on the windowsill. As the pungent aroma of delicious rhubarb pie reached my nostrils I began hovering towards the window, like any good liberal. But alas the hexbears was prepared with a big funny wooden mallet and proceeded to beat me until I saw stars.
That hexbear's name? Joseph Putin.
I try to generally give my interlocutors the benefit of the doubt, but those hexbear people are indeed quite nasty. Some of them even defended the French revolution. A substantial number of those noblemen they hate so much actually contributed a lot to society, and much elite French culture from that time is still considered world class. Those hexbears seem willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater, just because in some rare cases inbreeding can lead to some unfortunate side effects. And let’s not get started on so called “colonialism” – the savages of the world learned so much and were lifted to new heights because of generous investments from European philanthropists.
As someone on the left, I just want to note that hexbear does NOT represent us
I implied that I deserve to exploit others because of where I was born and they said no and I was just so upset I cried really hard thank you for blocking them and saving everyone from experiencing a moment of self reflection
Thank you, I was getting tired of owning them by studying my favourite wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies?wprov=sfla1. I told them that China was doing a streisand effect by whataboutisming their population with propaganda (appeal to fear) and they couldn't even respond.
My great grandfather fought against those uncivilized commies!
They destroyed our homes, our beautiful fatherland, they took away my family memorabilia!!!
Now is all gone.
Those red fash should be... defederation is the least we can do.
God bless my great grandpa, best Munich electrician.
My home country was invaded the previous century by rabid hordes of orcs... I mean Ruzzians. The literal foundational myth of my country is independence from a totally historically continuous Russia, from the Russian Empire to Soviet Russia and now we're escalating weaponry against modern Russia as any good european superior race member would do. If you deny my foundational myth you're literally hitler, whom I actually don't mind as much as the red fash hordes from the east. We need to arm the local fascists to fight the fascism from Ruzzians that wants to conquer my beautiful and flawless home country.
If only my home country would have been a monarchy or a liberal democracy instead, I'm sure that way we could be more leftist by participating in unequal exchange and exploitation of the third world...
I literally saw one of those freaks kill and eat a dog
He (I know he only has she/her pronouns because these tankie like to pretend to be trans in order to trick people!!!) stared right into my eyes as he broke its neck and drank it's blood
When is someone going to do something about these hexbear radical terrorists?!
I'm glad we're defederating from Hatebear. That place is full of tankies who spam emojis. Completely incomprehensible rhetoric interspersed with pictures of pigs shitting on their balls.
Plus, they all kept telling me to read books. Jokes on them, I just read the Black Book of Communism!
I always felt unsafe around those hex bears because they’re openly against kamala which means that they want me and other trans people to die 😕
removed removed removed removed removed removed. removed removed removed removed removed Hexbear removed removed removed!
Dogmessiah: About time, they keep pushing books with anti-white racial prejudice like readsettlers.org and then cry when they get banned for it.
Good riddance, thank you king *bows politely* it's almost like those fucking tankie fucks don't understand they're in a horseshoe theory echo chamber. Now that we've defederated we can keep echo chamber thought away from us.
If those commie cum worshiping bastards understood that when my grandparents got chased out of cuba by those red fash, it'd almost be like i could be rich right now because of my grandparent's farms that got taken over by castro.
I'm so exhausted by interacting with those 'people' over the internet, that's why i'm voting trump so they get what's cumming to them.
Hi all, it's whitepwrfan69, your lovely admin here at lemmy.balls.
Wolfballs reference?
They're obviously here just to troll and brigade. The offer nothing of value, while making this instance more annoying.
@TheHarryPottersOffice: This just like in Avengers
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.