Celeste - a platformer which gives gender-confused people unrealistic power fantasies (such as the ability to double jump, which they do not naturally possess).
You cannot convince me that this wasn't written by an infiltrator
Celeste - a platformer which gives gender-confused people unrealistic power fantasies (such as the ability to double jump, which they do not naturally possess).
You cannot convince me that this wasn't written by an infiltrator
Yeah no way this wasn't a troll
"do not naturally possess" implies that trans folks possess the ability to double jump, but through unnatural means.
is it possible to learn this power?
One of the side effects of HRT
The unnatural means are cursed Canadian mountains btw.
Check it out, they've never seen a trans person double jump before
cant double jump
skill issue
Satan worship is when you are a vampire machine invading hell to literally feast on the blood of demons.
If you're one of the nerds who bother to dive into the quasi-ARG metaplot, it does drive home the point that God is the bad guy and that Lucifer literally did nothing wrong in this universe.
The only thing I know about this game is that the funny voice man voices the funny angel man
I may not be able to double-jump, but I can hover in mid-air for a second
At least you can avoid fall damage, I made a mistake speccing into high jump.
Peach style or Yoshi style?
Wow, they're aware of the satirical elements of Fallout, color me surprised.
I guess parkour and jumping heel clicks are trans now? TIL
I know people are saying this must be a troll, but seeing as how “in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace (‘fastest Mario’)” was unironically posted by a chud, I’d buy that this is earnest.
Goddamn, being a cis dude is so fucking boring.
I want a double jump so goddamn bad.
Is it trans to main scout in TF2?
Is this a bit? It’s too funny to be conservative drivel and too media literate on top.
Conservapedia regularly has stuff I can only assume are jokes. Like there's a review of American Psycho on there that says something like "despite the patriotic title, this movie is very liberal"
The news has reached Maddy :)
ok so who wrote this
I'm cis. I love Fallout. I do not forsee regretting this post in, say, one or two years.
Conservatives be like: "they lied to us! We didn't know that transitioning could be as cool as getting a leg upgrade in Mega Man X!"
Geez I'm CIS and in my 30s and only now do I learn that I can double jump? How do I do it?
Why is nobody here showing sick pakour with double jumps
I just started playing New Vegas tonight lol
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)